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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Rhododendron

    Auto Hats

    I'll get this feature incorporated immediately!
  2. The slot change killed it. I'll revert :P ---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ---------- Ok fixed. Try to populate now :D
  3. GTA: New Orleans, with special guest Katrina!
  4. It's 150mb and insanely big. It would be chaotic.
  5. Sorry OP, the only solution is to kill yourself.
  6. Seems a bit small. I'll throw it on the server later though.
  7. Rhododendron


    Huh, still repeating numbers o.o
  8. Rhododendron


    gahhh numbers are repeating themselves. thats friggin wierd lol
  9. Rhododendron


    Dubs are hard man!!!
  10. Rhododendron


    Isn't he dead? ---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ---------- DUBS!!! brah!
  11. Rhododendron


    If dubs then Serbian is demoted!
  12. Rhododendron


    [ATTACH]677.vB[/ATTACH] See on the top-right of the post? A random number is generated. If dubs I take a picture of myself wearing a spider-man constume :P
  13. Maybe, I'll test the plugin this weekend and see if it's worth the time and headaches :P
  14. Alright we are only testing this in Jailbreak, but if you have donated type !color, !colour, !colors, or !colours (so NOBODY will be confused :P) and you can change the color of your skin! Want to promote brest cancer awareness month? Change your color to pink! Have fun!
  15. Isn't that the song that plays during the pac-man flash error page?
  16. It's back up. Sorry about that D:
  17. Ehhh we are getting so much traffic it maxes out connections to the server. I gotta find a new host or manage the website myself (last resort, too lazy) sooo yeah. I disabled some known culprits for now, so steam connect is down atm :P
  18. Ehh you would be turning the radio on and off it would be a waste of time and a headache to most of the players. Sorry.
  19. Map was removed the guy was using models from L4D voiding valve's TOS so I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole. Secondly, the map is 150mb so nobody will wait to dl it.