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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Yes. I don't make the plugins though since I'm pretty noobish at it and others are better than I. Plus it gives me more time for the servers!
  2. Carbon fiber is better. It's soo much lighter especially when you need tons of it!
  3. No I haven't added these features. This is the order they should be added in. I need to get the money to get them made!
  4. Alright here is the queue. Donating and telling me you want it to go to this project will bring it up the queue! 1. Promote and Demote plugin for website so I can hand out Moderator powers to more people! (DONE!!!) 2. Doctor plugin for Jailbreak. (BEING WORKED ON: EST: NOV. 25th)(We need money!) 3. Suicide Bomb plugin fixes. (DONE!!!) 4. Last CT trails. This would project a beam from the CT to each T so none can camp! (Not started yet!) 5. Hats plugin update: equip hats upon map change and server connect + select a hat while dead. (Not started yet!) Just so you know what to expect!
  5. Wait for the map to change. If not, send me a screenshot, what server you are on, and your steam id.
  6. NO WAY! 35 Ts with throwing knives? Bad idea lol.
  7. Ehhhhh metal. What is this the 90s?
  8. Rhododendron

    Resign as mod?

    You think the president gives up when he messes the country up? NO! You need to fix the issue and prove you are able to do the job! You only messed up once. Most new mods mess up numerous times so you are still in good shape!
  9. No! Not unless I add baked beans, broccoli, sorbitol, eggs, and DORITOS!!!!
  10. Hmmmmm alright, spit idea's out :P
  11. I updated the plugin like 2 weeks ago. I gotta get someone to work on it and add tons of new features :P Give me time.
  12. Oh lawdy keep him out!!!
  13. Ok, removed random. I limited random to 25 posts and/or 3 threads a day!
  14. Well it IS technically more random :P
  15. Gahhh it's a mess LOL reverted some of it! I'll keep the art and clan discussion catagories though. Since it makes it look clean but I gotta add custom icons D: ---------- Post added at 12:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ---------- No those forms are still at the top! ---------- Post added at 12:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ---------- Ok, random is now officially RANDOM :D
  16. I tried to catagorize everything in order to keep proper discussions in the right area! Do you like or dislike?
  17. Anyone a fan? [video=youtube_share;_kYvVvvbvZU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kYvVvvbvZU
  18. Rhododendron


    Not a fan of the genre, but from what I heard from Elders Scroll IV, if you liked that, then you will love Skyrim!
  19. This isn't DoD:S and Mojo, you know well that rifleman isn't in TF2 so why would you ask that question?
  20. How about, since ice means meth, the warden goes on a drug-enduced rage and attacks as many T's as he can in 15 seconds then he slays himself. Eh? Might be against rules BUT SO IS METH SO IT WORKS :D