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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Rhododendron

    Server Specs

    8 cores of a Intel Xeon E3-1270 (Sandy Bridge 3.4ghz) with 8gb ram. It's not the server :P
  2. Rhododendron


    Nope. Nothing get's accomplished on this map, and everyone just wants to ride the roller coaster. We had this map on our server a while ago and this happened every round. Never again!
  3. Rhododendron

    New format.

    We are not german, so why would we have neon on the forum? Dark colors make a clan look generic and crappy.
  4. Rhododendron

    New format.

    There, I made it green. Everyone wins.
  5. If you joined a SV_PURE 1 server then you have to redownload all custom files.
  6. It gets boring if people cannot grief. By the time people have built their house, they will leave the server and join another due to boredom :/
  7. The surf server is the only thing I cannot get up. I'm still trying to fix it D:
  8. Gahhhhh I'll do that this weekend.
  9. Rhododendron

    Don't Laugh

    The Saga of Bloodninja
  10. Rhododendron

    New format.

    I'm almost done tweaking the new theme. Don't like it?
  11. Most we either have or had and removed due to badness.
  12. hehehe I will talk to the guy who made it but I made them oh so more expensive so I mean, it technically IS balanced :P
  13. If the username has a skull and crossbones next to it, then they are a trusted or VIP user. Download only from them and ONLY DOWNLOAD STUFF YOU ALREADY OWN! Don't support piracy D:
  14. You decide! Post any suggestions since your choices are all superior to mine :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB5DltVA-RE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsW3oYwD2oM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_Ta0oXRtxo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u31FO_4d9TY
  15. That's right! Now donate since the month is almost over and we need to pay for the servers!
  16. You guys gotta promote all players to their original positions again. Only Admins and Division Leaders can use these commands. They go as followed: /manpromote silenceheaven xGM To change the persons user group. Simple enough. If you want to demote them: /mandemote silenceheaven xG These settings are not saved after typing them, so when you are done promoting someone type this: /mansave Pass this along to all Admins and Division Leaders!!!
  17. I gotta go but let the map change and I will fix it tonight.
  18. Alright a small update. I finally got a secondary admin system that integrates with sourcebans beautifully. No more problems :D The only issue left is the script not sending emails. Hopefully I will fix. If you donated within the last 3 days and lost your hats and trails send me a message. Thanks!