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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. Well, it shows you were banned for Eye test violation meaning that you had some sort of hack that made you look around inhumanly and it picked up on that and instabanned you. I do not believe you used a mod for such a thing, Direct me to this mod you speak of. k - A post showing a picture of you being detected by SMAC and banned by it.
  2. Duckii

    Hola and Sorry

    You sure caused quite abit trouble within short amount of time.. whats next? do tell us so we may remove you before you screw up again and ask for forgiveness.
  3. Duckii

    xG Competition Night

    You sure talk big for someone who rages all day, i just remember you awhile back and all your constant raging. Oh how those days were funny
  4. Duckii

    CS:S won't work

    Accept it.. pretty much everyone has to do it. They're moving the css folder into your common folder.
  5. Duckii

    xG Competition Night

    Who are you? i've been wondering because you seem quite the type who talk trash continually and doesn't shush up~ don't think anyone wants someone who talk shet during the game and to their teammates~
  6. I see no reason to have alittle fun with them. Imo i'd say some can play around with it, Just not on Jailbreak and only use them when it does not interfere with the game. Ex: just 1 or 2 slap before something starts.. and other stuff at the end of a game, just don't over abuse it to the point that it annoys the person. Only do it to someone who agrees with you and not use it to give them an advantage~.
  7. We'll probably have to wait for the sourcemod to update~
  8. Well, i derp forgive me.. i just only look through recent activities.. I believe the ips are mc1.xenogamers.com - tekkit server and mc2.xenogamers.com - faction server
  9. What server are you talking about? if your speaking of the jb server it was recently attacked and currently as i see it.. wiped as if its a vanilla server. You''ll have to wait for Autumn to fix it.
  10. Well now.. First.. you troll another teamspeak server.. banned from ours for a week..make a ragequit clan goodbai.. come back.. and now this? even tho Sinly was shown leniency.. i don't know much situation about what happened but he smited all and was perm but shortened. But you on the otherhand, have caused trouble after trouble in a short period of time. How can we know your sincere! -1 until further notice~
  11. Duckii

    Really now...

    Just as he said.. i'd love to see people who left join another community that is drama free.. Drama happens in our daily lives, not something you can escape!
  12. You sure showed us some awesome coding skill with a vanilla RP. Anyone can do this >add custom weapons/remove single buyout/ only shipments >make jobs >restrict some tools >add custom addons >Oh there we have it a darkrp! Stop insulting something that hasn't been given a chance yet because your anger has gotten to you after you were demoted rightfully.
  13. Gmod will still be around just with a new division leader, please refrain from lying on a application to make them leave.
  14. A server used for competitive bombsite team game. It's majority of the time just friendly game between a group of friends.
  15. Read the very first post by silence.
  16. It isn't be removed :p it will be up but will need a Divleader who can code lua..We don't know if aeon can.. he can let us know if he wants the spot and show us he can code and run the server he would be made one i believe.
  17. That looks like a plain basic HUD, my friend whos learning how to run a gmod server created one and it didn't take him that long. Did you not do the same to me? Enough complaints that includes some from someone in high position could make it believable but yet you believed 1 person and said i broke the rules without any evidence at all. Threatening the Leader isn't going to help.
  18. Duckii


    He had just edited his post, gave reasons why charrax was demoted and had announce that the division will not be removed but is in need of a new divleader who has knowledge of lua script to run it
  19. Sorry but you dont know what went on, i did not make a complaint to autumn, for the past 20 or 30 minute i was talking with charrax, and autumn questioned me and i only told him what went on and what we were discussing about because charrax went to autumn.
  20. Why would we want to go through logs to find out he kicked you.. If you would have SS the logs in ur console and provided the proof that should be here before you even made a thread it would have been much easier. Besides was the server was full on scrim before you join? the reason you were kicked last time if i remember was because your download was soooo slow people got tired of waiting lol
  21. Here's a tip! Download league maps before hand! doesn't that sound like a great idea?
  22. could you give the correct id? both kbrazz and Heart's steam id are the same
  23. Duckii

    xG Competition Night

    Sounds like fun, ill ask around and see if i can get a team going~
  24. I just have a setting for whatever i play :3. Got a cfg that keeps my lerp at 15.2 and disable sprays, i got binds for when i play pub/scrims - Ct/T/Awp/Save gun binds. my sensitivity is set at 3.95 in-game with acceleration/raw disabled and my mouse is just a average HP mouse with 1000dpi, and i have my gun set to lefty :3 cause i can't play righty anymore when i was trying out lefty i got use to it and never changed it.
  25. Duckii

    Why ??

    Try thinking over what you've done in the past derp. What you think is a joke annoys others~ and now you're posting this pointless thread in which you're already banned from xG and told us you're not planning on getting unban.