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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. People and their problems.. Everyone's not perfect, Besides i see nothing wrong with lissa.. But i usually see some of u guys that disrespect her before she even speaks, Unless you can provide Evidence of her constant troll / Disrespect nothin will be done. So for now She will be watched by other mods/admin and see who starts what and who goes and who stops.

  2. No, i'm saying if the T was with a large crowd of T's, The ct could just order the T's to drop their weapon meaning The t in that crowd will have to drop their weapon or be killed.. They can do this because its hard to see their name in a big crowd of T's and they can easily mistaken the T. But if the T was not with a large crowd but by themselves the Ct must say the player with the weapon name and than order them to drop.~~


    Also, We know about some people not knowing the rules . So place a ban report on the player and get their steam id but follow the format within the section "Ban Request" Be sure to provide enough evidence. We can than Ct ban the player/ Ban the player from the server and tell them the reason and to read over the motd.


    This Section is only to Protest a member of xG.

  3. Please do not use these following names "@all" "all" "@t" "t" "@ct" "Ct" people under these names will be asked to change it because these names can cause some confusion within admins power.

  4. Sorry but this will be Closed for now. I will have to speak with pain with some stuff..

    After i have talked with pain i will decide if this will be re-opened or kept closed.

  5. tell me why are all your post in member protest? As you can see this is to Protest a member of xG and get them kicked from the clan...

    Also if ur in a crowd sure you can i guess since its hard to get your name they will repeatedly order you to drop the gun and im sure the person who has the gun know who they are talking to.

    Also is this for a ban?

  6. -1 on sgt blu and lissa i can easily get a ban protest on your troll so dont do anything rude like that


    I dont even think non members can member protest on other members and specially mods.


    How about we all calm down, And oscar anyone could protest a member here because this is to help us see what our member is doing when no mods or admins are around and how they behave around other players. This help us keep the community clean.. Also don't tell lissa not to be rude even though ur rued T~T since u were talking crap to a friend of mine who just simple wanted to play the game. Besides i'm sure no one but lissa and sgtblu know what happen to make them dislike each other.


    So calm down, for now no one will be demoted or such until we see more similar activity like this which give us enough proof what the player is like without any mod/admins around or how they are with admin powers.

  7. Well for now you guys don't need to worry to much, Hopefully next week promotion which is coming up we will have some active mods within Surf. Like i said before Mg and jb i think already have enough mods, Also for people who Can't surf try asking for a tutorial or watching like youtube, Also if you know how to bhop surfing will be really easy :).