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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Aegean


    Your application isn't denied yet, you just need more vouches lol
  2. Quarantine why did you force soiarn to remove his posts? He wasn't trying to get someone banned, he was showing that mods should pay closer attention.
  3. Aegean


    If I had typed out my suggestion, it would be this.
  4. Quarantine you really have to chill with all your negative posting.
  5. Aegean


    Yeah the console messages have to be changed
  6. Aegean


    kk well I'll admin abuse twice as hard for the both of us <3
  7. Aegean


    ROFL What did I do? I left for personal reasons about Silence, and he apologized after all the trolling, and he was sincere :P I never told you guys to leaveee! Come back and we'll have sexy time
  8. This application is no longer applicable and should be closed (:
  9. Aegean


    LoL this was a completly unselfish reason, but thanks for the +1 ^_^
  10. Aegean


    Member Name: Aegean! In-Game Name: Aegean! Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20940540 Age: 16 Game Time: 633 Helpful Skills: I'm able to Co-lead and moderate for the clan with respect and hard work, as I have for many months before. / I saw Silence's apology, and I believe he was being sincere with everything he said, so if you guys will have me back, I'd love to rejoin.
  11. Aegean

    I'm Sorry

    If you honestly mean that, I would love to re-apply for xG.
  12. Aegean

    CSS roster

    OCD = Obsessive compulsive disorder, I don't actually have it, but as I said, I still care for the clan and saw that it was outdated so I just quickly reread through ranks and updated it (: If you would like to do it that's fine.
  13. Aegean

    CSS roster

    Mods - Billy Mays , Health100 , Major B , Nickname , Nullbyte, Chosen, Microsoft, Peechis, Papichulo, Highplains, Hudson, Mad Scientist, Psycho, Selby, Quarantine, Admins - GOOn Squad, Vero, Herpes, duckii jr, Serbian, Co Leader - Duckii Leader - Silence Haha I was looking through forums and saw it was Outdated so here is (from what I believe) to be the updated roster of the CSS staff. Feel free to message me if anything seems wrong, but yeah. I have OCD and saw that it was outdated so I felt like I should do it as I still love my xG clan members haha (: Anyways guys, take it easy.
  14. Did you have any scripts?
  15. I explained to him the details (: You can close this now.
  16. That's a very good suggestion (:
  17. Yepp it did happen, I went and talked since all Silence wanted to do was ban them with a clan-tag plug in, which would lower our chances to be unbanned from their servers. Untill Silence is out of this clan, they don't wanna unban you guys. So just remove xG from your groups, and put a ban protest if you wanna play there.
  18. I already tried helping xG before I left for the Hg thing, you guys can see my post. I spent about 1-2 hours talking to their leaders and staff members, they want silence kicked out of the clan, or they won't unban any of you guys. He said because Silence took it in himself to change the name of our JB to hellslamers, they are not unbanning. Way to go silence (thumbs up)
  19. Why would you of all people suggest this? You insulted your own clan leader less then 12 hours ago, and are a big troll to the whole clan basically...
  20. ... That's a picture of silence. Wow you really are just a troll and don't know when to stop.. do you?
  21. STILL DISRESPECTING oh man well done.
  22. ANIMAL FARM IS ACTUALLY SICK! You are gonna really love what it's about. It was definitly the better of all the books I read in Highschool so far
  23. Haha just a quick heads up, we do not like when people ASK for mod, and really do not accept it :P This does go for everyone. Thanks for the offer though to help our servers (: Anyways for your question, basically you get mod and you have the ability to check sprays, make people switch teams, mute them, gag them, ban them, slay them etc. Once you get mod in CSS, you get it for all our servers (Anything with xG tag). Mod is basically an Admin in training, so if you are active after being mod for a while, and do not break our rules (for example abuse) you will be promoted.
  24. I never called myself Pat Sajack :S I don't even know who that is rofl. AND jaybreeeeasyyyyy, you are terribad.