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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. +1 from me too. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  2. Aegean


    I'll unban you tomorow, but you are going to be CT banned for a good long time. ~Closed
  3. Member Promotions Oreo : Member to Moderator King J : Member to Moderator Admin Promotions Billy Mays : Moderator to Admin Member Demotions Camping Carl : Member to Non member
  4. Ducki never hacks lol. It just depends on her mood to tryhard or not.
  5. ~Closed since he isn't leaving :D
  6. I need borderlands (game of year edition if possible) you'll be rewarded with 1000 aegean funbux
  7. Aegean

    I need help!

    So, Borderlands Game of the Year edition is 30 bucks on steam, which I don't have. I'm not here to ask for it, as it's not like I've done anything to get 30 bucks from one of you guys for nothing :P I was just wondering where I could buy it online for the computer, (with all the expansion packs) for less then 30. It isn't a valve game so it should be possible. If it's not possible, then I guess I'll just wait lol :P Thanks (: -Aegean
  8. Aegean

    [xG:M] Korean

    Alrighty, well this seems like he didn't slay you because of his mistake, but in fact the sprays are sometimes glitched (happens to me all the time) next time, just double check and make sure the other people see exactly as you do Korean, but other then that I don't think this is a big problem. If you do have any more problems feel free to PM me but in my opinion this seems like a mistake (the servers) in the end. ~closed
  9. Although I do do this, I feel it's wrong because then people always claim "freeslay" and mods/admins will always be slaying themselves unless they have 100% proof and can explain the reason of the slay perfectly. Some people do slay a little too freely in my opinion, but at the same time we have lots of people are still don't know the rules perfectly. Oh well, it's a very good thought though.
  10. Wait what? I unbanned you :S Did you get banned again?
  11. You aren't permed <3
  12. I'm not gonna ban you, as I know many people still appreciate your company (including me) and I know about what happened in the past, but I've moved on. Feel free to stay in the forums, I didn't really mean that you were trolling, just your recent posts looked like you were. <3
  13. Aegean

    [xG:M] Korean

    Sometimes sprays are invis if they don't load right for some people, but I really wanna see what he has to say.
  14. Aegean

    I'm Sorry

    This is an old post lol, whole incident happened a month ago. ~closed
  15. Fantastic how bout youuu?
  16. Aegean

    Al Capone

    Someone tell him to respond, as since he apparently also disrespects, I'm considering server ban. We are tired of all the trolling and disrespect !
  17. Aegean


    Alrighty, you are unbanned. If you are reported and caught hacking again, you will not be unbanned. ~Closed
  18. Aegean

    Al Capone

    Alrighty, I would like to see what he has to say about this, but thanks for the proof. Bring more if you can, but right now I really need to see his side of the stoy before I do anything.
  19. Using Console is extremely easy even if you spam afterwards, but even spamming chat is an offense so... Anyways glad to see your true colours coming out. If you are just going to talk about the flaws of xG, and talk about all the idiotic things you did even though you don't represent xG anymore, please leave. As I already posted, I don't mind if you post on our forums even though you are a non xG member now, but seriously have some respect for this clan. We do more then 'pep' talk someone if they are caught. Most mods and admins don't abuse though, because we trust them as they have shown us that they knew the rules as a member. Anyways, people posting on the forums without proof still gives us a little "hmm maybe we should watch them if this is what is getting reported" kinda thing.
  20. I have no problem with you staying in our forums, but stop talking down about xG since you already left. "Enjoy the freedom" seriously bud? People complain about trolls, why would you stay active on our forums if you are just gonna troll. Anyways camping, I really wish you wouldn't leave, but I do understand why you are leaving. We are doing our best to get rid of the trolls and stop the disrespect all together, but this is the internetz and it is hard. If you do wish to come back, you are coming back to open arms. <3 Aegean
  21. My grandparents and uncle have been in the Army, and my dad in the Navy for 15 years. They all told me the same thing, it is the hardest thing they have ever done. No matter what you do, I wish you good luck (:
  22. Aegean


    I dunno if he did do it or not, but console does BS the who pressed the button thing sometimes, but no proof either way. Do not disrespect if you think you got wrongfully slayed next time, talk to the mods/admins in a calm manner, as everything should be fixed. If nothing changes and you are sure you are right, get proof. ~closed.
  23. Aegean


    You guys didn't all have to post here, if you guys were just gonna complain about the lack of proof. Quarantine calling him ****ing stupid, and Otherworldly in bold underlined huge words ****ING PROOF. You guys are just being ignorant, and if you guys saw, JB already told him about the proof bit. How bout next time say "sorry we can't do anything since we don't have proof" instead of insulting his intelligence. I'm sure it was an accident, but i'll wait to hear what Serbian has to say.
  24. Aegean

    Al Capone

    I already ct banned for 3 hours since i'm playing with him atm and saw the freekills. If he does it again, please bring proof. ~closed
  25. Yeah like votes should only be used when it's something to do with the server (about RTV's, Map change, or seeing if anyone wants to join one of our other servers) BUT it shouldn't be spammed to the extent of what MajorB is saying. Once in a while for a joke is okay too, but please don't abuse. I'll leave this post open for discussion.