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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. +1 for sure (: I'll wait for a few more vouches before I accept
  2. If people do find it annoying, you are NOT allowed to keep going, but as far as I'm concerned people do like when you use your HLDJ or spam sounds whatever so go for it.
  3. Aegean


    Seems like his ban time expired anyways. ~Closed
  4. Alrighty, your ban will be lifted to a week. Once you are on, let a mod or admin know so they can change it. ~Closed
  5. Silence knows rabid is unbanned, and told him to not break any rules. Other then insulting that kid (which I lolled at) he didn't really break any other rules. He should not be disrespecting him, and we are serious about disrespect. I'm banning him for a full day for disrespect. Thank you. ~Closed
  6. Lol actually we do add new maps, and we don't only have 15 -.- The reason why we can't add many maps on a whim is because there are lots of bugs in many of the maps. For example, our plug-ins might not work there, or there aren't enough spwn points, etc. We do see map suggestions, and I'm sure Silence will look atthese maps, and if they are good he will add it. I'll check it also.
  7. Aegean


    Whenever you are on, just tell any mod or admin to unban you. If they want a reason, tell them to check the forums. thanks (: ~Closed
  8. You wrote you were 15 on the other one... I'll delete the other one but you better not be lying bout your age ^_^
  9. He kicked you just for asking to be ungagged?
  10. Aegean

    Binx Jr.

    It's changed now, no worries. Anyways no proof, and he doesn't care about it anymore lol. ~Closed
  11. Aegean

    Binx Jr.

    I'm going to change that, that is EXTREMELY stupid.
  12. Aegean

    Binx Jr.

    WOAH WOAH WOAH, you don't ban a day after a kick for a spray... are you joking?
  13. Aegean


  14. Aegean


    I'll wait for kbshooter and highplains to comment here, as they were the mods who thought you were hacking
  15. Aegean


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  16. Aegean


    Already fixed. He apparently did get banned perm, but he has a ban protest now, so we will discuss it there. ~Closed
  17. Aegean


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  18. Aegean

    I hate HG

    I talked to their co-leader and a bunch of staff members. We aren't getting unbanned for a while longer guys. I'm trying to work something out, but as I said you better all be on your best behaviour, or else you will get banned from here too. Starting posts about you hating them doesn't help lol. Just give them time to forgive and forget, that's the only thing we can hope for. ~Closed
  19. +1 from me ! BUMP so he gets more vouches ! ---------- Post added at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 PM ---------- ~Closed, he re-applied just because he lost his account lol. He was already accepted before.
  20. Aegean

    Al Capone

    Alrighty as Ducki said, if he does break rules again, just CT ban for a week as apparently mods and admins have seen him break rules alot. Thanks guys ~Closed
  21. Aegean


    Alright, when you are on notify an admin or mod to unban you from CT from a week to a day. Thanks (: ~Closed
  22. Aegean

    Mods And Admins

    You investigate. This means go on CT (or T) and make sure the T's are in a closed location so they can't rebel (or if it's a freeday), and ask the CT his side of the story. If you go about it the way I do (Saying you accidently killed _ _ _ _ ) they usually slay themselves saying sorry.