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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. So Send your Videos to [email protected]

    Also I am looking for a CameraMan which would be there to record people showing Tricks (Wardening tricks, Rebeling tricks Etc) If you are FIT for the job, Leave a message here. (I might add in a little Plus to anybody to camera man) Also, if the channel gets popular, Profits will go to Xenogamers.

    The Channel: Chaîne de XenoGamersChannel

    Use to record:




    Any HD(if possible, if not, record in 480p) recording software.

  2. Then here's the thing, we need an official xG channel. I might go one and make one and share it certain people. Also, anybody Willing to be a camera man for those who can't record (Me for instance)

  3. Since SubbJr left, we will have to get a new channel for the members and yet, get SOMEBODY to record this shit. (I can't, Fraps doesnt record other's sound)