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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. the SERVER switched me, from CT to T when i did !guard. I then USED MY POWERS to do what i planned originaly at first. I am not "getting myself out of this" I am admiting i did something wrong that wouldnt have happened if the server didnt fuck with me at the first place.

  2. The server kept on glitching, i was tired to saying !guard , going ct to be KICKED off before round start. I had the Cash for a day, i was getting on CT to use it and it didnt let me go CT. Blame it on the server constantly kicking me off CT.

  3. right now, i can't really be active. I am really busy with life and personal problem, Meh. When this is fixed up, ill start getting my ass to settle things, AGAIN.

  4. Altho, if this is mohammad, He went too far. As an admin, he has no rights to kick somebody from the clan. And multi accounting, That's frowned upon? I have 7 accounts. And yes, 1's VAC banned. That was WAYYY before. that was on 1.6 . And also, prior to banning and kicking from xG (which he had no rights to), mohammad should have shown the proofs to Aegean.


  5. it's a fast paced FPS, (kinda like quake) with classes, you Surf to get faster, the game's all about getting fast, you also have a jetpack. Decent game.