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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman wouldn't do anything since he does not enforce the rules.
    True, Because Im the one that : first. Barely have time for himself. Second. Have to fix the Server. I only fix things if im the ONLY WITH POWERS on.

  2. 1. You did hack. Whether it was xraying or using a spammer. Unless you had a gypsy telling you to turn and tell you mine straight to the diamonds.

    2. The server came up a few days ago, ruling your statement invalid.

    3. You're not around me, you don't know me, and you're not in teamspeak.

    First, Proof. Second, The server's been up for 2-3 days. So his 2nd argument is valid.

    and from talking to you in chat, He can make whatever deduction he wants

  3. Name calling and trolling is never a good thing to do to anypony. It is just, plain mean and only harms the reputation of the community as a whole.

    This, /thread. Seriously, Sad to hear that you have to go, I liked you, except when you kept on yelling marco