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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. Because the government has billions of places to do cuts that wouldnt affect anybody that much. I got a friend that has to work 2 jobs when he's not at school JUST FOR FUCKING SCHOOL ALREADY. This is unfair and you do not understand this situation from our point of view. We already pay 2 taxes on EVERYTHING. Why would we FUCKING PAY MORE?

  2. Frick. I wanted to play with dlcs. If the others dont have dlcs, we'll play with No DLC. If not, perhaps ill consider getting you the DLCS. Or consider buying the Goty, as it is 30 bucks on steam and every DLCS cost 10 bucks. (so you pay 10 bucks less for DLC and 20$ less on the game.)

  3. Hey you. You own borderlands? Good. You even have a mic? Even better. Are YOU interested in participating in a Borderlands Let's play? I will record, render and Upload to youtube. all you have to do is to be present and play with me.

    I will be taking 3 Other fellows with me for this adventure. You need to be a little bit active so we can actualy record footage. We will discuss classes and shit later, but for now, Im taking 3 players. Post down below why you would like to be in this adventure. I will pick the 3 best reasons / 3 funniest people.


  4. that's what i'm saying he didn't even get one vouch he was given member without anyone vouching for him
    Starbuck is trying to boost his division. I see nothing wrong with that. he asked to be xG in ND. it's fine in my book that a co-leader or a div leader to accept a player in their division to help the division grow

  5. Okay, here's a Recap

    1.Member protest Do NOT need proofs. The community get to say what they think.

    2. If you claim somebody freekills, Still bring proofs to show everybody. Otherwise, what proves us that you are not lying to try to get rid of stego?

  6. i did abuse. i kept doing !guard and it would say you are now CT. Then, i would spawn in cells and be a t. That's what happened. when i got onto CT, i never actualy got to BE CT.

  7. You just admitted to abusing.
    Never said i didnt, Now didnt i? Stop putting words in my mouth.

    I wouldn't of gone into that one cell

    I spawned as a t. Never i left the Cell while i was CT, Or Prior the "Abuse". I was in my cell, Prior orders. Swapped myself, bought the day, Swapped back and proceeded to do as usual. (which is rebel) I believe since Nobody was there, Nobody can really talk on that case, as you had to be there to see it. Also, themick only saw the console output, Not the actual thing. He would have understood My reasons behind doing this.

  8. No, You are wrong ohmy. I tried getting on ct. everytime i tried !guard, it would push me back to fucking t. I spawned as a t, Swapped myself (Because i wanted to do !days since the begining) Bought a day (instead of a bomb) Switched back to T. I then ran to the 3rd cell (teleporter) went to kitchen, got the Uzi and killed 3-4 people.CTs tried shooting me down during my run.

  9. @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 @@themick07 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  10. i had replaced myself in T, While cells were still closed. I then ran to the TELEPORTER in 3rd cell bottom, Jumped in. Spawned in kitchen (it's your place, right?) Picked up the Uzi (at that point, i was wounded from gunfires) and walked behind the warden.