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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. [xG] Silence: APPARENTLY, we got a number of complaints about you switching people over to ct under bias reasons (they were your friends or something) and team switching players without any legitimate reasons. Also numerous complaints about you raging at specific players and kicking randomly
    Proofs in that? If i don't see any, i call unfair demoting.

  2. Yeah, it's finaly my birthday, I just turned 18. :D Cheers up. also, this is the first week of my 2nd year in xG. I hope ill be here to finish another year with xG

  3. Hey there. I am a man of many name. STALKER, Sarah Kerrigan, Wolfeh, Arthman. I have been in xG for about a year, and admin for a REAL long time. Im glad to have you in here. Consider adding me if you ever need help / need somebody to come help you when you are alone on JB (it TENDS to get heavy and usualy, multiple admins are required)

  4. Also Yea basicly we did copy

    But! They didn't copy it

    Still on your point that they didnt copy it when duke admited it? the basic part, yes, that is INDEED sure that you guys have it, but more complex rules you probably kept were from me and chrono. And lastly, I will not post here anymore as i have better things to do than to talk to a liar (charrax).

  5. We didnt just have BASIC rules, Inform yourself. Also, give it to serbian so that he can check SHITS on it. and Go fuck yourself too duke, At least i didnt lose admin for abusing on CSS. Gmod doesnt count as the server wasnt even live.

  6. They just made the MOTD without my permission and I said to continue
    let's see what they have to say. Also, if you told them to continue, you allowed them to make it, In fact, you MADE them do it. and when we say TEAM, we say the FULL ADMINISTRATION team for GMOD, like it or not, Duke and nova both being admin, they are in YOUR team. Final.

  7. I told you over and over I do not have it. Why would a Div Leader steal?
    you even refused to tell me who HAD the motd. Anyway, serbian is awaiting on your side to give the MOTD thingy. He got ours with timestamps dating prior you had powers. we'll see who's right uh?

  8. Serb, he simply REFUSES to show US the motd. HE SIMPLY REFUSES. I asked him who got it, he refused to comply and tell me who. Also, if we SEND HIM and he copy pasted, he'll change it. How about this. Me and chrono send you OUR motd , then they SEND theirs. deal?

  9. Chrono, it's a lost cause, he keeps lying on steam chat. talk to me asap, ill send you the logs. He's a lying bastard




    STALKER: so i can check the MOTD

    [xG:D:F] Charrax: Fucking child. You don't ever deserve admin.

    [xG:D:F] Charrax is now Offline.

    Rage much?

  10. First off, i didnt abuse. Second, I sent you the motd countless time, you ungrateful prick. Third, your current admin abuse sometime. What i did was while the server was on. So quit lying, ye whore. Also, show us the MOTD so me and chrono can see if you Blatantly stole OUR work and claimed it as YOURS