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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman

    I need help!

    I got mine for 20.09 :)
  2. Arthman


    HLDJ should be working only for CTs. I quite enjoyed chacha slide and i dont see myself singing it to play it O.o.
  3. Aright, Stop Fighting. Peechis is right on a point. Ct do HAVE to slay themselves. But Major is also right, It is honorable to slay yourself if that happen and that is what i will do whenever this happens. And Gosh, If the ct wants to slay himself, GOD LET HIM ******
  4. Arthman

    Bad news

    Look, if it's to not get out, Send it to me, Ill learn how to make maps quickly and finish it mkay?
  5. I do want you back callim <3
  6. Arthman

    Tournament time!

    Congratulation to Netex . He was losing 4-1 Semi finals vs Drank. He won. then fought vs Billy and won. He asked me for Quake 4 and he got quake for.
  7. Arthman

    Tournament time!

    Alright, Tomorow, the 14th, I will be Hosting a competition at 1PM (eastern UTC -05:00). For 1 hour, you will have the chance to Compete to win a game worth 20$! (the game is your choice.) Here are the RULES and such 1. Post down below saying you will participate. 2. Do not be a troll and/or Insulting to anybody. This is a friendly competition, Not esea. 3. NO CHEATING WHATSOEVER. if you cheat, Your not getting any prizes and i buy myself a game or redo a tournament. The tournament will go as SUCH. It is a point based tournament. You win point with your wins. The one with highest point win. It's gonna be 1v1 Scrims KING OF THE HILL. every game that you win (3 round on 5) will grant you a point. You win? you play one more round. You lose? You go in spectator and wait untill i call you out again. Duckii will assist me in the managing the tournament. Kicking trolls, putting people in spec ETC. Also, Duckii called first. she gets to play the first round. Tournament will be in xG SCRIM server. Ask me, Serbian or any xG scrim team members for INFOS
  8. Arthman


    well i wasnt also the ONLY one that said that. At first, i though you were legit. Then many people message me (some from the server) that you were very suspicious. I even asked Some of my trustable fellas. They all approve you had something that wasnt legit.
  9. Arthman

    Free game

    easy stuff is easy -_-
  10. Arthman

    Free game

    Got it. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JW7R7YSE
  11. He's My In real life friend, Never seen him freekill on jb and he's active on MG , bhop and such. +100. He's Really mature.
  12. In-Game Name: [xG] neverGONNAGIVEUup .... YOur not in xG and yet wear tag . -1
  13. alright, heres my ideas. As stated Above by Xavien, you should be 16 or OVER to vouche UNLESS 1. Your a known member, You dont troll and such 2. Your a mod. And Another Important point: We should be more Strict With people. Especialy trolls and -16s. Last But not Least: We Need to do a clan cleanup. All trolls, Disrespecters, Admin abusers, And other following bad things should be given a ban or a demotion. Right now, Trolls alway makes me leave the server. Also, We should we some kind of IP ban / MAC IP ban to get rid of namechangers that have multiple account. And also, More EVENTS. myself, I started an event, With my own money (i just have to go get the prepaid card now and Bam). If theres More donation than needed, Silence should Maybe sometime go up and do a tournament by example: Winner get a hatpack. Wont hurt too much wont it?
  14. CSS, Garrysmod, Guild wars, Borderlands, Tom clancy's Rainbow six vegas, War inc, TF2, Red faction. STARWARS BATTLEFRONT 2, Terraria, Minecraft. Call me no life, I also play SC2
  15. Arthman

    Duckii jr.

    Let's do a xG day called " DuckiiJr Appreciation day!" <3
  16. Arthman


    Yeah but i mean, even with school, Studying, homework, your job, You still get time to play from time to time Me , I dont study because im lazy, Homework? **** them, my teachers dont care. Job? I work at night and usualy get fired in 2 weeks.
  17. Not that kind of competition. It's gonna be a King of the hill based scrim 1v1. winner stays for 1 more match, Loser go back in the line
  18. Arthman


    why is everybody stopping playing because of school? I mean I have school the 30th. Ill still play and hopefully still have admin powers to watch over the server
  19. pSsht, The tournament's prob gonna be after school Hours.
  20. Arthman


    I've seen him alot play. He's active but i think he talks a bit over warden (if he's the one i think) Anyway it's a +1
  21. drank is sure a good mod. But i think he needs to be on a bit more often :3 It's still a +1 from me
  22. Alright, Nvm. I got new rules. 1v1s ONLY everybody get the [E] tag On at the given hours and then Scrim. 5 rounds. 1 point per scrim won. Winner stays for another scrim. Loser go in the waiting list. all we would need is a server 3 places and i could kick the people (loser)