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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. ben, your still sad because you cant play th game i gave you? (just cause 2)
  2. hopefully ill get my comp fixed soon so i can ak your asses and maybe join the scrim team o.o
  3. Arthman


    snoopy. it took me a day or two to get accepted.
  4. is that me or more and more people turns out like johnny? Not being disrespectful to you soairn, but you act kinda worse than a former xG member who was kicked for turning into a douche and a troll
  5. Arthman

    New format

    theres a glitch with your **** silence D:. I alway have to switch back to the older one and it wont SAVE PROPERLY. Im sorry but green gives me a bigger headaches then 40oz of Goldshlagger.
  6. Arthman


    i was kiding you JB and i did the same. exept that even after i rejoined, I left. Then rejoined. i`d rather let one fella that we know is nice and good than some randoms that nobody really know and who will troll
  7. Arthman


    soairn, On the behalf of xG, I will have to ask you to please stop trolling on forums . it`s spam and pretty much worth nothing. You know better than that. I know you.
  8. Arthman


    i got 3 chances. U mad jb? being serious, If me i got 3 chances, Snoopy deserves another chance.
  9. Arthman


    yet, you left with everybody. But i vouche for you. +1. I did the same before in xG. Left mod position, and joined back
  10. Arthman


    WHAT KIND OR SORCERY IS THIS? NECROMANCY? ... maybe you want to be last ct, when you die, be ressurected? that would be fun. but ontopic, i dont even think silence has that power so a simple mods. another fun fact. Ive been told co leaders ingame have the same power as the mods.
  11. Arthman


    i wrote that huge text, Thinking nobody would reply before me. now ALL my points have been said. you deserve to die. Im kidding. I love you ez
  12. Arthman


    soiarn, Its not to put you down but these things you should fix in a chat. and thats abuse, dont post in ban request. Also for a such little matter, dont try to ban people. I did in the past which never worked. just show papi the proofs so that he appologies and that will be all over. im saying that because its a matter of time before somebody elses do and me, i wont bash you saying Proof or dont care posting. just show papi proper proof and if he doesnt appologies and everything like that, Post in admin abuse section. A slays not worth a ban :S EZ, YOU HAD TO POST BEFORE ME. -_-
  13. Banned for having a korean as your picture with a lack of swag
  14. derp. WHY YOU BE LEAVING? your a mod and i liek you bic boy
  15. Banned for not being canadian with free clinics
  16. Banned for being a mod but not showing it to everybody.
  17. Arthman


    i think this dude should be unbanned but ct banned for a bit just so he reads motd. Also admin should watch him and have a 0 tolerance policy with him untill he know the rules pretty well
  18. tron was awesome. and jay, your an idiot
  19. Banned for not having a tommy gun (ref to your name)
  20. i would give you one of my css account but most of them are VAC banned. Bhop script, Glass wall, Aimbot all this fun stuff on scrims server
  21. Arthman

    Ive been told

    well. spank me then :D
  22. woah calm down big boy. it`s only a movie. personaly, My top 3 movies are Scarface, Tron, Avatar and yes theres a forth. the god father
  23. Arthman

    Ive been told

    THIS DAMN *****. he better give me more at xmas.
  24. Arthman

    Ive been told

    Ive been told that if i join the clan, Id get some cookies and mIlk. WHERES MY COOKIES AND WHERES MY MILK D:
  25. Arthman


    yet i just didnt want the admin to give him hard time and then vouche down for ``Wearing tag before getting accepted``