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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. JB your really trolling every leavers. you need to stop with that. your REALLY getting on peoples nerve
  2. Arthman

    Funny thread

    mines also? dont take it personaly, ez. take it easy, he wasnt saying that towards anybody. he felt it right to post it in a funny thread, and some of the jokes are funny, others arent or are old
  3. Arthman


    maintain the ban. its a perma for something. this will just show people they can freekill and leave then come back. also, No steam ID
  4. meh i dont have ANY problem with new people if they dont insult my accent. If they do so, shits get personal and i kick their asses in front of their friend. My accent is legendary, Pro tip to new people: Dont **** with my accent. do whatever you want but nothing against my accent
  5. Arthman

    For Billy

    i would have though something more like that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L2M6GgJAtA for billy
  6. Arthman

    Oh lawdy lawd

    quar, dont do like somebody did to you. seriously, its an idiotic move
  7. Arthman


    harro w3bb, i hope you get unbanned +1 for unban
  8. Arthman


    lold at the special skill. good at being american. are you implying most americans are terrorist or indian with drugstores? *end sarcasm* +1
  9. soairn, i knew you had some maturity left. personally, if you have 10bucks to spare, a good way to say sorry is to do a raffle, the winner could get the hat pack of his personal choice
  10. Arthman


    Rawr. That mean +1 in dinosaur
  11. he said he never said he knew the rules. then why the heck is he playing. isnt there a spam in server saying read MOTD or be kicked? but on another note , it`s not about the age, i bet hes acting like that because everybody is picking on him. before, he was awesome. i never had a problem with this dude untill everybody began bullying on him over the internet. i mean everybody do freekill once in awhile, but soairn slays himself most of the time. altho he needs to have a little refresh on the MOTD, he should be unbanned. also soairn, if somebody is being racist or insult you to an extent, grab some proofs and post here or ask some mods or admins to help you out. Its their job. if they refuse to do so, grab some more proof and post on forums.
  12. Arthman

    I'm Sorry

    finaly you see through all that. All i hope is that you change for the good, and do whatever you can to maintain the order.
  13. you guys dont know how i envy you. my house air thingy is broken. Here its ****ING -15 C!!! (not even kidding, Last time i checked it was ast -14)
  14. Arthman


    summer juice : 1 full smirrnof ice, 1 Rev Cocktail drink 1 third of your pitcher filled with Russian standard vodka and fill the rest of the pitcher with mountain dew. Sounds like a bad drink . I hate most of the ingredients but when you do it, it barely taste mountain dew and its SOO good
  15. Arthman


    rexx, youve never seen me play like 2 years ago? i used to get banned from every server being legit because i could get 3 ump hs accross de_trainfrom next to a i think to the T spawn. all withing 2 seconds. what he did could have been TOTALY possible. Now im not playing seriously because otherwise i would have probably gotten banned from xG servers. and now i prefer ak. Also, a p90 has a small recoil pattern in the first 15-20 shots. that mean even long range, with alot of luck, he could have done the same. I am NOT implying he was legit or not, just saying it could have been. i`ve probably done worse than him before.
  16. Arthman

    CSS roster

    may i know what OCD mean? i know that people like things a certain way and they call it OCD
  17. Banned for NOT TELLING ME PERSONALY, YOU ******!, i feel sad. burn in hell you duck, when youll die, ill make tires off your skin and use them on my car
  18. Arthman

    Hippity Hop

    vero. when ill get my comp up and running ill give you private lessons if you want
  19. Banned for being a MR duck when clearly,your names after a girl
  20. Arthman


    +1 for that dude. Also, when theres Afkers make sure you get 1 or 2 non hs. its less suspicious :) (and you have less chance getting false accusation)
  21. Arthman

    King J

    null. since we cant see the rest of the convo, we must say that you asked him to say that.
  22. blunt, Quit lying. ?your green stuff was helping you
  23. if anybody touches you, Give me a call. Ill come down there and kick some asses if you lend me a weapon!
  24. sometime i dont drink and i die