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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. When i will get the money and yet, Ill let the thread open for more people to say they will
  2. DUckii, If you play, You still get a CHANCE to win teh prize
  3. That would be a good idea
  4. Alright, I was thinking about something.I though Maybe I could do a tournament and the winner get a game of his choice (20$) But If i am to do that, I wonder Who WILL participate. Post below if you would. If theres enough, Ill get my *** up, Get a prepaid card and make a tournament. ---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ---------- -------------------- Also, Need idea on what the tournament will be.
  5. Duckii Jr, Dont be scared of highschool, Just hang out with your friend and its fine. Weirdly, I was hanging with the bully of the school o.o
  6. Arthman


    +1 for unban, he's a good guy. And i think ima try the fps_54 thingy o.o. And duckii's an "expert" in hack and stuff becuase she hax :3 <3 u duckii
  7. Arthman


    Okay so 1 mod for 45 people and IM suposed to see every FRIGGING freekill? and then your arogant with me?
  8. Hai blunty, Im arthman, You can call me marco if you want. Im the Only Frenchy mod in the clan, and my accent Is legendary
  9. Brian did. Brian > all *end sarcasm* But brian's pretty smart.
  10. There's only 2 vent 2 guns 1 nade (one of the 2 guns is accessible from 2 cells) And also, electric razor is the ONLY reason i play Jb. I just LOVE that map. It's T friendly Unlike Many. I used to rebel soo many time a day i would get banned from servers.i was a Rebel beast.
  11. yet, it was suspicious.
  12. Arthman

    Y!A Thread?

    Masta, Your ****ed up What is the best way to get out blood?
  13. Esea Is a Online League
  14. **** YOU, MY FAV MAP IS ELECTRIC RAZOR, I PLAYED IT BEFORE FOR OVER 1000+ HOURS and i have countless of memories on it.
  15. he wasnt missing 1 bullet in noscope and bhopping kinda good,
  16. Alright, Earlier this night, Me and hudson though somebody was hacking. So we go on, we try to ban him. Then BEFORE i ban him, He says he's esea. I close the ADMIN MENU and he sends me a link. Turns out he's legit. Everything was fine. Untill next map (remember, I closed menu, Not meant to ban him). Then his friend tell me to add him. Turns out hes perm banned by my for hacking when it's actualy a glitch. Maybe i pressed ban, but i actualy meant to Close the window. 0:1:28772973 that's his steam. Could somebody unban him?. If you turn out to think i meant to abuse on him then Ill take the consequences like a man. But its a glitch from MY point of view. Now it's bad because it turns out that guy is awesome. His name is -LF Viater. REmember, If you judge me guilty of abuse (which if it is, It was accidental) Since im an adult, Ill take the consequences. I just want that dude to be unbanned.
  17. Arthman

    MIA Thread

    yeah but you jay, Dont have any ****ing power here whatsoever. Fair wasnt FAIR with me.
  18. Arthman


    +1 but needs a little refreshing on rules, I happen to have to slay him from time to time for freekilling and such
  19. Arthman

    Tf2 now eh?

    i have a question silence, Does the CSS admin get admin powers in tf2?
  20. Arthman

    MIA Thread

    FAIR? he was racist and alway insulting me. That guy never Had respect for me
  21. roxxor, He used White text.
  22. Arthman


    Kb is Infact a good mod, I like the fact that Before he takes big action, He ask somebody prior. Im usualy that guy and EH no real mod protest. job done !*Hurray*
  23. Arthman


    no ben, YOu just get to play on my minecraft.
  24. Arthman

    MIA Thread

    i liked the following : Sir tristram, Zoidberg , Dexter, Callim,Snark, W3bb, and some other that i Have good memories playing with. I miss Tristram and zoig the most
  25. well.. I got accepted quickly after leaving twice in a row. Not gonna leave anymore