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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. the point of my post was that what you describe is just late night jailbrake i.e., lax rules, abuse for fun, swearing, basically late night cable tv. there shouldnt really need organization for this to happen, it sort of just should... like it used too
  2. small credit games for the dead would be fun to implement. like easy blackjack or hi-lo which you can bet credits on. drugs is a popular one on a lot of jb servers buy a last ct song? lots of credits but it changes the song for last ct for x amount of rounds bounty - puts a bounty on a ct at the beginning of the round (30 second window to place one) buy colors for your guns as ct? idk if this is possible but i remember way back when a gun was empty it had a red coat? itd be cool for CTs to buy colors for guns/skins daily trivia - asks a question and you put your answer in. at the end of the day it rewards players who got the correct answer with credits (1 entry allowed) idk im not high yet so when i get baked and drunk tonight ill come up with more ideas @@Prius
  3. Theres !gag? Or get the plugin on the first page that perma gag's his steam ID. You don't get to make up your own punishments for rules, theres a system set in place.
  4. ^ thats how you admin btw
  5. btw idk what you did (or didnt do) but forums are still fuhked >emplate Errors: PAGE_CONTAINER htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/xeno/public_html/xenforo/library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php, line 2049: 2048: <dd><a href="' . XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::link('misc/style', '', array( 2049: 'redirect' => $requestPaths['requestUri'] 2050: )) . '" class="OverlayTrigger Tooltip" title="' . 'Style Chooser' . '" rel="nofollow">' . htmlspecialchars($visitorStyle['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a></dd>
  6. Were still posting in this?!??!/1/1 Well played, photoshopped images > paragraphs every time
  7. If you decide to read the post, I quoted that down syndrome is typically associated with a low cognitive ability. If you want to go ahead and assume what I meant without me actually saying it thats your prerogative. If you want to do some research here you go: Down syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia If you read the first couple paragraphs, not too much don't worry you can handle it, youll see that people with DS have a degree of mental and intellectual disabilities ranging anywhere from low IQ to social constraints. If you want to keep replying and look like more of an idiot, go ahead.
  8. I don't understand the point of your post, but if thats your apology for being ignorant you're going to need to work on it a little bit.
  9. "Down syndrome is the most common chromosome abnormality in humans.[2] It is typically associated with a delay in cognitive ability (mental retardation, or MR) and physical growth" So do you enjoy talking out of your ass or are you just ignorant?
  10. There you go making fun of mental disabilities again, some people never learn
  11. Well no your attitude is shit and probably wont change, unlike this background which will be switched soon.
  12. but i think its time to stop making the forums look like darkwolfs closet
  13. 1. Theres a thread with trails somewhere floating around 2. Please don't use so many annoying colors when you write in big blocks like this. 3. ???? 4. Profit
  14. Someone didnt pay their bills
  15. If everyone was equal the world would be a very boring place.
  16. this should be done daily. this isnt even a community night to be honest, its just late night jailbreak. a community night is more along the lines of everyone populating minigames, surf, or something along those lines. late night jailbreak should be a regular to semi-regular thing.
  17. +1, his member app was a big debate and since his acceptance he has been a troll and spammer.
  18. so what i gathered from that series of painful to read posts is that darkwolf muted you for being a nuisance and then you get mad so you decide to spam and troll other servers? that about right?
  19. who are you to critique anyone? youve done next to nothing in the clan besides spam and be an all around general annoyance.
  20. +1 because i didnt feel like posting a combo breaker meme this time
  21. its amazing how quickly these threads turn useless
  22. Jaybreeze

