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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Jaybreeze

    An Old Member

    who are all these newfags...
  2. Well considering your opinion is the equivalent of nothing, I don't see why you keep responding to this thread which is clearly about to be closed.
  3. Where did you get this big dick from all of a sudden minecrack? Win your first couple games of league?
  4. Well after it took me 10 minutes to translate what you tried to write here, I don't want to silence you, I just want you to stop typing useless garbage that clogs up this thread. You haven't said anything of value to the entire conversation except your first post. You continue to reply even when your posts lack any form of substance and are just a scrambled bunch of words trying to insult someone. Secondly, I don't even like silence, I think hes a terrible leader and gives this community an awful name but he has made it ridiculously clear that he does not want to unban Duckii Jr any time soon.
  5. I don't even know where you're going with that but I'd suggest calming down before you get insulted in a language you can barely type out. Please stop replying to this thread as all of your posts are either trying to fight someone or just incomprehensible nonsense which is due to either a language barrier, or your incompetence. This thread should have been closed a while ago and wait for silence to look at it and reply. @@serbiansnaga
  6. Jaybreeze

    Great Job

    Jesus you keep managing to piss everyone off don't you? It's almost like you thrive on conflict and just dont give a fuck what people say. You asked him for permission to use the thread, he said no, you used it anyway. Your justification for that is that because its online you can take it? No wonder people lose respect for you daily. Is it that hard for you to accept someones answer and move on from there? How about instead of stealing maps for TF2 you work on hub? Or is there no one to steal from so you cant do any "work"? P.S. Tried to look at the post from 8bit again, but its getting DoS'd. Coincidence? Who knows..
  7. i dont think you read what i wrote, in all of your previous requests silence made it clear he doesnt want you unbanned and his word is final in this situation
  8. i dont think you guys realize that no one has any say in this matter besides silence and he made it blatantly clear that he doesnt want him unbanned. your vouches mean nothing since its not a division and silence has total authority on the matter
  9. Jaybreeze


    i mean i really want to and i get in that mood to learn it then if i dont understand something just a little bit i get discourage and say fuck that on another note i didn't even think you knew me or even notice who i was/am i am xg, i notice everything that goes on around here. i dont doubt your passion, just stick with something
  10. Jaybreeze


    listen daddio, i like you and all but over the past few weeks youve been saying youre gonna learn various coding algorithms. either learn them and put them to use, or stop talking out of your ass
  11. Jaybreeze


    okay, here you go. stop making so many fucking rules. thats it. youre turning yourselves into a dictatorship where admin/mods are afraid to use powers. yall gotta take a step back an re-evaluate everything youre doing
  12. @uselessclanleaderwhodoesntdoanythingthattheclanwants
  13. i've been a member twice I have a pretty good standing in my opinion and I was gone for over a year so then why pull this shit the first day back, you gotta ease into it man, you cant just rawdog a bitch without givin her some tongue first to loosen that shit up
  14. hmmm, i guess i worded that poorly for you to nitpick what i said. basically what i was trying to say was that if you are a member of xG and you have been playing for an extended time and promoted to a position of power, it gives you a little more leniency than someone who just plays on the server occasionally. if a person wants to put months into a clan and gain the clans respect and given moderator/admin then they "earn" (dont nitpick that ill flip a shit) the right to have a little fun every now and again (im talking about a freekill here or there on another admin or member, funny server votes, etc). whats not okay is when that person in power does something major to the server (i.e., warriors !smite, me when i /spec @all, etc). the point here, is that joshie came into the server for the first time in months and the first thing he does is disregards the rules and mass baits/ mass free-knifes. thats just blatant disrespect
  15. hmmm, i guess i worded that poorly for you to nitpick what i said. basically what i meant is, if youre an active member of the community who takes the time to join the clan, become a moderator/admin after a few months and give back to the community then they "earn" (poor choice of words, go fuck yourself if you wanna nitpick that) to have there fun every now and then (aka papi, occasional admins freekilling other admins/members, etc) nothng extensive like what warrior (sorry brah) or what i did (/spec @all) but little things here and there. if joshie was a member who had a decently good standing in xG i wouldnt give a shit, but for him to take a leave for a month or two and then just come back the first day and mass bait/ free knife if just disrespectful.
  16. you still suck with jarvan. pussy.
  17. staff do this because they can, theyve earned the right to fuck around here and there just not extensively. dont get on your high horse now and say everybody should be equal, we arent communists and there is a hierarchy of the way things are done. people have to realize that to get some slack you have to have some importance or notoriety. and you keep saying it was just a bait and he didnt kill anyone and that a bait is a slay, this however was a mass bait and mass freeknife in a stack so shouldnt each person be entitled to slay him? (+/- 6 slays) thats a ct ban for atleast a day, no? also the fact that he used to be a frequent player who clearly knows the rules and knows the consequences for his actions but completely ignores them due to the fact that xG can't stick with a punishment they give. a week isnt that long, you arent banned from the server, just CT. learn to rebel or go play surf for a week, you knew exactly what you were doing when you did it.
  18. yall are such pussies. jesus christ, you got offended by dildo-eater? youre prolly the kid that when he gets hit goes to tell on someone instead of hitting back. grow some nuts, buck up and be a man or woman, or furry (whatever the fuck those are im pretty sure all of them are either gay or gingers) and play the game. if someone is ACTUALLY disrespecting you just ignore the fucker, if it comes to the point of harassment then talk to someone, dont go reporting every little incident when someone calls you a fag, call them a fag back, 82% of the time its never serious. too many rules make the game terrible, take a step back, let the children play, and have some fucking fun for once, it is a game after all.
  19. lets keep tagging him and he might eventually respond to one of these threads over the past week
  20. wait so let me get this straight. you just mass freekilled on your own accord for shits and giggles? i dont even play jb anymore but thats just stupid. i also dont care if you get unbanned or not, but im all for a 1-2 week ban, regardless of how long you've already been banned. odds are some newbies are gonna +1 this anyways because they suck, but whatever. -1 for immediate unban +1 for unban in a week or two
  21. so your first day back and you already break rules? this bodes well for the future
  22. I agree 100%. Game had been nothing but trouble on the Jailbreak server, unbanning him would just be allowing for someone whose broken countless rules and fucked up a ton back into the server. I've heard "I've changed, please unban me" so many times that it holds absolutely no meaning. I've seen too many people get unbanned and then turn out just to be exactly the same as before. -1. Well how do you know that i'll be the same as before ? You never know, I'm 100% sure to myself i won't be the big trouble again. Because you suck
  23. +1 for shits and giggles.
  24. Jaybreeze

    Forest, why?

    you must be annoying to talk too if you only say "hue" in conversations