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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. @@Rhododendron whats this noise: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/xeno/public_html/xenforo/library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php, line 2049: 2048: '; 2049: if ($extraTabs['home']) 2050: {
  2. i can just freekill anywhere and itll be okay? is that how i fasttrack my way to mod? should i change my avatar to a horse? am i doing this right?
  3. random events, like low grav, darkness, flipped controls, like !rtd in css
  4. idk man im drunk now suicides an option nigguh
  5. You could say that they are a Deviant group huehuehue. Please, ILLUMINate me more on the topic. huehueheu
  6. You've tried 3 times with terrible results.
  7. I thought weve been over this multiple times that it doesnt matter how many +1's you get, silence wont unban you since its his final say anyway. I cannot comprehend why you keep making new accounts to try and avoid the ban and protest it. This is mind boggling.
  8. why would anyones opinions change in 2 weeks?
  9. change the default skin to a custom one with xG on it if we have anyone who can skin
  10. maybe we should rename the forms tab, to something less forumsy
  11. Technology is fighting back. #RiseOfTheTerminator
  12. wait you mean another group of people who broke away from xG and tried to make their own, better clan didnt work out.... hmm this is something new!
  13. +1 Matsi's creepily obsessed with cats so his vouch is invalid.
  14. talk to @@Link! i know he wanted it
  15. youve been playing for a year but just made a forums account?
  16. Pink is hard to read. But yeah shes right, perm charrax, who gives a fuck. If the other members want to be unbanned let them make a protest and see what the community thinks. If they get enough vouches then why not unban them, I don't know the full story (if there were ddos threats/attacks or what not) but it seems like this was just one person from what I can tell.
  17. If you can find a player base that could sustain a division for longer than a couple of days then it would be worth it, but we tried this with ZombieMod on CS:S and it was only populated for a week or so when we spammed Steam messages to everyone to get them on. While this game looks and most likely plays a lot better than the CS:S version, finding an active population for it is the challenging part. Here is the SteamApp if you're interested in the game: Zombie Panic! Source on Steam. I don't know the logistics of half-life online, but if you can host custom servers then It'd be interesting to see what you can put on the server in terms of customization and replay value.
  18. If you didn't get removed from the clan and just fell inactive I don't think there would be a problem reinstating you. The only thing I can think of is getting the required vouches, since the amount has changed since your re-application. @@serbiansnaga would have to look at the vouches from the previous app, since Duckii is no longer part of xG. Realistically if you play more frequently on the servers (be it CS:S or TF2) there should be no problem rejoining.
  19. you might want to start by not labeling it "bad idea" as it invites trolls
  20. people need to stop taking shit so personally
  21. Jaybreeze


    id use your money for more useful things, but hey i guess its up to you