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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Jaybreeze


    Who's going to be getting the new final fantasy? I know im gonna get it on Ps3, anyone gonna play with me?
  2. Jaybreeze

    I can do better if you'd like? like your drawings thread leleleleleleel
  3. is this a real request? I understand if you don't like the kid but atleast try to put some effort in the damn thing and not make an abuse thread basically saying, "i called him a nigger in admin chat and he muted me and then didnt casually talk to me after" this is a dumb thread, dumber than my ban protest. (here: JayBreezy - Left 4 Dead 2)
  4. -1. I just massed and got banned. He should be banned with me. I don't wanna be alone.
  5. Let me tell you a tale about @@Warriorsfury . So Warriors, or DeMaurice for short, was lounging around like he usually does, lurking in his teamspeak channel that he never leaves because he's worried about sunburns when suddenly out of nowhere, a bird flies into his window. He pisses himself hes so scared so after he changes his underwear and gathers up the little balls he has, he looks at the bird. He notices that the bird was carrying a note on its foot, a parcel if you will, and in this parcel was a letter from..... Hogwarts. The school of witchcraft and wizardry has sent for DeMaurice to become a student and learn the ways of magic.... or so he thought. When he got to Hogwarts however, he was shocked to find no one there. He wandered around aimlessly for hours until he finally found someone. @@DeathGod and @@serbiansnaga showed up after eating a nice feast of marijuana and whatever tall ugly ogres eat, shrimp or pasta or some shit. Anyways, DeMaurice asks them whats going on and he's told that they also received letters from birds, except their birds didn't die DeMaurice just sucks and his bird was already miserable. The moral of the story is that DeMaurice can't be trusted and he took over my computer and massfreekilled. #FreeMe #IDidn'tDoIt
  6. Division: Left 4 Dead 2 In-Game Name: Three Typeable Letters Steam ID: Hail Information: I was wrongfully perm banned from CT for a "mass freekill." What happened was I left the room to get my vodka and my fish came into the room. He doesnt really know how to play and such, he just started playing tetris and now this. So anyways, my iguana is playing as CT and he grabs a P90 and freekills 3 people. I had no idea my dog did this so when I came back i was in utter suprise. If this story didn't convice you I can make up like 3 more.
  7. Jaybreeze


    lets do it, i accidentally got drunk last night. down to start drinking...... now
  8. we just need me as DM. all problems will wither away.
  9. Jaybreeze


    we know, get over yourself already
  10. If they aren't getting noticed without applying should they really be a mod?
  11. this division is still a thing?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdmwtSqPAdA
  13. theres like 3 other ways to get out of armory. its not like im sitting in armory camping it to make sure t's dont get guns. its probably the best spot for a ct to oversee all the t's and its restricted, i just dont get it
  14. But how is it armory camping?
  15. I think we need an autoshotty taser.
  16. Not to sound like a debby downer here, but weren't trails and such supposed to be put in game the other day?
  17. As in asking them to stop freekilling and for them to control it. For the most part they did, but Im not going to go hand out bans to everyone. In part it is my fault that it got that way. It was both me and Jordo warning them to stop, and yes it did get to the point that they were threatened with a ban if they didnt stop freekilling (which did stop it for the most part). What im trying to say is that there should be a point to the night. A theme or something. Good servers arent good because they allow shitshows to happen, there fun because they have exciting community nights with events and new ideas to try (or plugins but thats a different story). If theres no point to the night then youre just gonna have repeats of last night where every mod who wants to can spam admin commands and screw up the whole round. Admins job is the administrate the server, regardless of a community night with "no rules" its still youre (all mods/admins/others) to regulate the server and its the DM/DL's job, even though it shouldnt be (we should have a community organizer for each division) to create fun community nights the whole clan and random players can take part in equally, not one that favors administrators to randoms.
  18. Only reason its a case is because of the racial situation. He was released after the incident and only was called back in after urban outrage and tweets saying #justice4trayvon. There was clearly a confrontation and the results happened. With a lack of witnesses and credible ones at that, its tough for a jury to come to a decision regarding the case. The defence did their job, the prosecution didnt do theres. Trayvon was 5'11 160 while Zimmerman was 5'8 190, I find it hard to believe personally, that zimmerman would have lost that "fight".