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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. my SA keeps fucking not working, i would install it, it would work perfectly fine, i turn off my comp for the night, turn it back on and then theres some problem for it that i dont know how to fix, short of reinstalling everything and doing it all again. its starting to rustle my jimmies

  2. if u were dead, id call warden dead freeday if no one called it after 15 seconds and then proceed to kill as many cts as i can, then ud respawn next round and everything would be k


    srsly though, not rly sure how id feel about it. bad at first, but ill eventually learn to move on, its happened to someone closer to me than you twice so far

  3. i keep laughing at dukes face on the tinychat pic, it just fits the moment so much lol, also i cant believe that snackbar actually posted that on forums haha

  4. well, its basically be active on forums, teamspeak and servers, make urself known (teamspeaks the best choice cause the higher ups are active on teamspeak), have 100 posts on the forums but if u spam for forum posts, ur mod app will be denied.


    and the reason why it takes a long time to get mod is cause we want to make sure that the ppl who get mod are ones that can properly represent xg on and off the servers, basically, we dont want trolls/idiots/dumbasses representing us

  5. while ur intentions probably are good, we cant bend the rules so that someone can get mod, we've had ppl that played the servers and were active on teamspeak and the forums and still havent gotten mod. dont take it personally, but we cant let u apply for mod, and also, its frowned upon to ask for mod outside of the mod submission threads

  6. tuxma, heres a protip: learn to be a master rebeller/T on jailbreak BEFORE u decide to become a ct, that way ull know how it would feel to be freekilled and ud put extra effort into making sure u dont freekill on jb, trust me, it helps a lot of the new cts to go t before they are ct, that way they'll know the ins and outs of the maps and predict where ts might go to rebel

  7. the WC3 server was popular, cause we had rabid populating it and we all know that servers that are personally populated by rabid are gonna go big, however it was removed cause it was taking up a huge portion of the machines running thingy, meaning it was slowing down the other servers, it even used up more than the jb server

  8. believe it or not duckiijr, but ur parents are working a lot harder than you think. ur dads working im guessing 8-9 hour days so that ur family has a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear. ur parents raised you more or less on their own, and they also raised 2-3 other kids (ur bros/sisters).


    dont think that they have it easy, raising a kid is a lot harder than ud expect, ur lucky that all u have to do is just ur homework and ur done for the day. ur parents would have to worry about paying the bills, making sure that there is enough money coming in to keep the house/cars/necessities steadily coming.


    while u may dislike ur parents atm, ull realize that when ur a parent urself, that your mom and dad went through a rly hard time to make sure that ud have a better life than they did, and ull do the same to ur kids. ull do whatever u can to make sure that they have a better life than u did.


    appreciate the gift that u still have both ur mom and ur dad alive and well, trust me, coming from personal experience, i can say that i have never appreciated my parents and what they've done for me to get me where i am today.

  9. +1 real chill guy, doesnt get angry, great warden (gives ts a chance before killing them lol), knows rules, slays himself if someone said he might have freekilled (shows hes willing to slay himself if it means making the t that died satisfied)