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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. Congrats! You've been accepted into xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!


    dont do whatever it is that u did to get urself kicked out of xg from before

    -sealed away in the last great time war

  2. So would it be like pub but with surfing?


    the original rpg surf that we have is already pub style, meaning if u die, u dont respawn till the rounds over. with the deathmatch mode, players wont have to wait to respawn, they'll respawn instantly, so if u die cause of something cheap like just grazing the edge of the surf ramp and u die cause of how fast ur moving

  3. ur ct banned for a week, which is kinda serious for u to be freekilling, if ur ct, its assumed u know the rules. wait out the 1 week ban but until then, learn to be a t first before u want to become a ct



    u do realize that when u signed up for an account on xg forums, that u also signed away ur life to silence (not kidding about this, check it urself), and also this is a private forum, meaning that the mods for that forum can do whatever they want when it comes to ur rights, they can edit ur posts, delete them or ban you entirely, and u cant do anything about it because u agreed to the contract thingy when u signed up for the forums, and its the internet, if u take it srsly then u need to get off it for a while


    heres the rules and agreements that u agree to


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  5. +1 has definetly changed his attitude and behaviour from all the past stuff thats happened before, used to be a dick/troll, was kicked out of the clan, banned etc. but since that time, hes changed and has become a better person, i also feel that he would be able to become a better mod, knows rules, and sounds NOTHING like i thought he would sound

  6. +1 they didnt do anything wrong except for a few of their members, i dont see why they have to be punished for it. in fact, we are in their exact same place when it comes to our problem with HG, silence basically trolled their jailbreak and as a result, we've been punished for it by being permed from all their servers, and i used to play a lot on their 24/7 crackhouse dm, but not anymore cause of silence :\

  7. she wants u to do her in the pooper. but in all seriousness, she probably likes you more than just a friend, however, it could also mean that she likes u as a friend because ur dependable, trustworthy, etc, and that u might have been friendzoned, happens to me as well, but i dont rly care if ive been friendzoned, at the end of the day, ill still like the person and vice versa

  8. good to see u again daniel, servers are prob more chaotic than urs lol, jks, but they are pretty damn hectic, jbs populated almost all the time outside of school hours and so is minigames and rpg surf. we got a new soccer server and im trying to get silence to make another rpg surf server but with deathmatch mode. at least u have snow down there, all i have here is cold weather, winds and mud everywhere, prob not a good idea to walk around in white shoes lol. focus on ur work and dont worry about us, we'll hold down the fort while ur gone

  9. u told the cts to go first in ur rules, if u had gone first, the cts would know which direction to go and the lr wouldnt be cheap, but because cts had to go first, u were free to change it when u threw your gun and basically make the lr unwinnable, thats like me saying "off one of these sides of the cage that im on, make sure u throw it off the right cage"


    and how would someone know if the other cts kept dying?