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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. if the vast majority of ppl dont know how to bhop, then its not surprising that they'll accuse a random whos bhopping like mad of scripting. if ur that good at bhop, then u should know how to do a slower bhop so that u dont get accused of scripting. its like aimbotters, the noobs will always get like 20 headshots in like 2 seconds, whereas the pros will either toggle, go for body shots, or try to keep a low kill score so they dont attract attention

  2. its increases ur chances to get mod if ur in teamspeak, that way the higher ups and other members can know what type of person u are outside of jailbreak. u dont need a mic, u can type if u want to, but it would be easier to use a mic than a keyboard

  3. dont apply right when u reach the minimum requirements for mod (100 posts, 2 months in clan), if u want to maximize ur chances, be active on forums, teamspeak and the servers, and contribute to the clan. if u cant think of anything to say on a thread, then dont say it, better to put out quality posts over quantity posts

  4. ur unbanned for posting a pic of urself saying "i love xg", for future reference, dont bhop to the point that ppl will think that ur scripting, that way they wont see u bhopping perfectly and not slowing down or screwing up


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  5. nope.avi, chrono nvr said anything racist, he was merely explaining the situation, thats not racism. and its not admin impersonation cause chrono was helping out arthman. and u were given fair warning from chrono about not trolling arthman, u didnt take his advice and got ♥♥♥♥ for not


    not getting banned cause this thread is stupid beyond a reasonable doubt


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  6. and out of the ashes of the once mighty phoenix will emerge another one to take its place.


    aliens from above are prob looking down on the US and thinking they speak for all of us, thats why we havent been publicly approached by aliens, cause no one wants anything to do with the US

  7. one more thing, forgot to add this at the end (was busy with the other stuff, was supposed to show it after the fade to black after the money shot but forgot to add it in, srry guys) but a big round of applause for ms snackbar for letting us post the video on forums and for letting mr snackbar do a porn video of themselves

  8. ya i missed that 4 second part where everythings black, but i talked with snackbar and his gf, and we tried to edit it out but it didnt look good cause it just jumped from 1 part to the next, so we kept it in so it has that amateur feel to it, the audio was still working though so i compensated for it by turning the volume up like maybe 10% or so to make up for the black screen


    edit: i noticed that also, i did as much as i could to fix it but not entirely, try pausing and unpausing the video, that usually syncs the audio back with the video, and thankfully its only for like maybe 30 seconds after the black screen, then it sorta auto syncs by itself, either way it'll work

  9. the editing was a pain in the ♥♥♥♥ing ♥♥♥, u have no idea. there was like 45 minutes of unedited stuff to get through and i had to reduce it to between 25-30 min, so i was pretty much sitting around literally giving scenes a rating from 1 to 10. there was like maybe 6 minutes of them moving around that i could just cut right out though, so it made my life a little easier. also had to make it so that it doesnt abruptly cut from 1 scene to the next, did a couple of fade aways and maybe a star wipe but i think i removed it during the final edit of it, i was meh on it, snackbar didnt want it so i was like, might as well take it off then

  10. thing is, getting freekilled is inevitable, if it happens it happens, and sometimes the guy gets slain and sometimes he doesnt, but dont go on ct just so u dont get freekilled, learn to be a pro rebelling t before u be a ct, that way u know the rules well and ur careful to kill ts when ur ct cause u might freekill and have to put them through the same things that u went through

  11. +1 to their protest (the one that gets them unbanned), they left on good terms and want to stay on good terms with us and vice versa. the actions of a single clan member of theirs should not lead to the punishment of the entire clan, its exactly like 1 terrorist from spain attacking the us and the us imposes sanctions on spain cause of 1 person. on top of that, the t3k member responsible has been demoted for his actions.


    also peechis for mod


    ill talk to silence and see if i can convince him to unban u guys from our servers