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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. everyones allowed to change their minds


    +1 cause he makes jb hilarious BUT u NEED to work on controlling your anger towards others, dont take what other ppl say so srsly and learn to keep urself calm and to not resolve to insulting ppl

  2. its misunderstanding cause of grammar. what hes saying is that aegean, duckii, or silence have no obligation to care about others opinions but they do because they have a responsibility to maintain the servers and the xg community


    if he said they dont care but they do, then it would be a paradox


    but since he said they dont HAVE to care, it means that its an option for them to not care, but obv they do care

  3. try to work on the popping part (where u rotate ur arm and stop it), u could try to make it more solid (as in keep ur arm in that exact place until u rotate it again). look up robert something on so you think you can dance, something like what he does

  4. just cause ur parents cant afford christmas presents doesnt mean that its a bad christmas. i stopped asking for presents a long time ago because id rather my parents spend the money on things we need rather than things we want

  5. airsoft > paintball

    like bf3 vs mw3

    airsoft being bf3 cause its more slow paced and tactical, paintball being a giant run-and-gun ♥♥♥♥fest (so to speak)

  6. what if they were moving just outside warday to make it harder for cts to shoot the ts that are shooting back at them? cause that would seem like its participating on the fact that ur supporting ts by making it harder for the cts to shoot back