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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. cityslicker is also forum banned for spamming and for talking ♥♥♥♥, he spammed "FAGS" on 4 threads that he started and said that his server was better, so ban on sight for cityslicker

  2. scrim skills arent related to jb skills. R is the first original subclan and it was the best subclan in its hayday (top players in jb were in R) before silence reset the ranks, now its just killwhore wardens and cts. inb4 rabid comes in and does his thang

  3. LOTR trilogy

    star wars movies

    fast five

    pearl harbor

    transformers 3


    hurt locker

    kings speech


    dark knight

    how to train your dragon

    cars 2

    the incredibles

    all of the disney cartoon movies from back then for the nostalgia


    alice in wonderland (the johnny depp one)

    star trek 2009

    the cove

    WALL E


    harry potter movies

  4. easy to cause a shitstorm, just get 2 shitwinds that are hot and cold, have them collide with each other in a shitcycle, and ull have a shitstorm raining fecal matter all over you easily.


    learn to not take things so srsly and to take control of ur emotions, maybe then u wont get so enraged when someone starts insulting u

  5. how about mods do their jobs and spectate when there are a lot of ppl on the server and not be playing, maybe then ull be able to get more freekillers and rule breakers, both sides are dumb and immature, mods are supposed to be helping members with problems that they have, not arguing with them, and members are supposed to understand that mods are not god like beings, they are as human as anyone else and are capable of doing only so much.


    mods call for other mods if ur having trouble controlling jb


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  6. im div leader, i do not care about the ramblings of you low class peons, im fine living in my div leader castle. NOW GET BACK TO WORKING MY LAND BEFORE I PLACE YOU ALL IN THE DUNGEON




    (also photoshopped)

  7. i nvr use protein shakes or creatine or stuff like that cause i think its not healthy to take those, i just go all natural with food thats grown and cooked or whatever to become different kinds of food. since ur still in puberty, your body will still be growing and using a lot of calories and stuff, and ull stay skinny or at least it will very hard for u to gain weight. u can wait till ur like 18-19 or so, and then start putting on the weight cause thats when your body starts slowing down in terms of growth and ull be able to start putting on weight

  8. first and foremost, eat the stuff that your parents make for you, and im talking like homemade food, not frozen pizza bought from walmart or something. ull want to get ur nutrients from good food, not processed ♥♥♥♥. im 6'7 and 230ish pounds, but my overall figure is perfect for my height, so i dont have to watch what i eat as much as others, also my body burns a lot more calories cause its more high maintenance.


    what i'd do is eat high caloric food, or food high in carbs (macaroni, spaghetti are great choices, easy to make in bulk, cheap, and delicious),

    ull have the energy to workout but ull also covert the carbs that u didnt use into fat.


    try to increase how many portions u eat per day.


    eat apples to increase ur appetite (also very healthy as well)


    dont be working out every day if ur doing full body workouts, if its like arms on monday, legs tuesday, back and chest wed, and repeat, then that could be fine. if u work out too much, ull actually lose muscle cause ur not giving ur body time to repair the torn tissue and make it stronger


    doesnt hurt to be lazy every once in a while, u dont always have to go out and play sports or whatever


    from personal experience, baklava has always been an energy booster for me, id have like 4 pieces in the morning and be amped throughout the entire day (and i mean amped), btw its homemade also, my mom makes it occasionally.


    make sure ur eating a lot of fruits and vegetables also, they are very important if ur trying to gain weight cause they sorta keep ur body in balance and healthy so that ur not completely ♥♥♥♥ed up after uve gained like 10 pounds or so