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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. i decided to start playing steam again, cause i got a new computer at that time and was able to play games running on the hl2 engine, decided to play css, found rpg surf server in early april, joined xg in late april, played on rpg surf for months, then decided to try out jb and see how it is, didnt like it at first but i kept going back to it when rpg surf was empty, then silence changed the plugins for rpg surf a bunch of times and there were bugs on it for several weeks, so i go on jb and play that, and here i am, div leader for css

  2. closing this for obvious reasons, its gonna start a flame war/shitstorm/half of the thread posts being nothing but black hearts


    everyone knows aegeans the biggest attention whore because he posted a video of himself breakdancing to dubstep (idk how u would dance to dubstep anyway, i assume that its something that u just listen to while sitting down somewhere)


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  3. they are friends of broseph stalin, and they use the WoW channel to play WoW, sometimes they play bf3 in the bf3 channel, they are cool, they arent one of those groups that randomly come on and troll, so ya

  4. and nukes, even though north korea might have a few nukes and crappy ones compared to the us and russias, that fact that they have even one is reason enough not to invade them

  5. changes have to be from both ppl, vero if u wanna troll or at least post useless comments, then limit it to random, anywhere else and ull be asking for trouble. aegean u need to cut down on the sarcasm in some of the threads u reply to (unless its a sarcastic thread to begin with). also vero, how else would we get someone to stop doing something that we dont want them to do? we would threaten them with a ban and most of the time, they'll stop, duckiis a co leader just as much as aegean is, so they both decide whether or not they wanna close the thread (if 1 doesnt close it, that doesnt mean the other cant)


    and veros a guy, to a lot of ppls disappointment

    and u repeated 2 twice in ur 1,2,3 points thingy, ie its 1,2,2,3,4,5,6


    and i already made the obvious point when i closed that thread, aegean was simply addressing another issue that was going on in that thread, there was no point for him to repeat what i had already stated


    btw buttsex unless the girl has ♥♥♥♥ in her anus, then it gets rly messy if u ♥♥♥♥ it up (♥♥♥♥ spraying EVERYWHERE, not from personal experience, just saying)

  6. *speedhax* lololololmad? takes out obsidian sword and armor, kills everything, including the server itself, grows too powerful for mc to contain it, breaks out into real world, goes on massive rampage, military forces mustered from everywhere to fight back, resort to tactical nuke, fails cause no 25 kill streak, obsidian armor guy has 25 kill streak, uses tactical nuke, wins match, loses connection, migrating to new host like 20 times, im tired as ♥♥♥♥ and im going to bed, i only had like 6-7 hours of sleep last night for some reason, woke up at like 7am and was half asleep till like 9, completely ♥♥♥♥ faced today, but i went to a restaurant and got food that i havent eaten in like years, feelsgoodman.jpg

  7. basically u cant use xray or any kind of program to help u to find diamonds or other minerals more easily, otherwise it would give u an unfair advantage since u can just have stacks of diamonds and not worry about losing them when u die or something.


    but its what double and/or pspprogrammer say, they are the div leaders for mc so they give out whatever punishments they feel is necessary

  8. what mayeski said, its when u post in an old thread to bring ur post count up, its frowned upon and such and can get ppl forum banned if they do it a lot. it also dates back to the times of the ancient egyptians when thieves would break into the tombs of pharaohs, nobles, rich ppls tombs and steal whatever gold, jewelry, high value stuff they could find and get out of there, they were referred to as grave robbers because they stole from ppls graves, thats why not many tombs have been found with some of its jewelry or gold intact, cause its been stolen sometime in the 3000-5000 year window since the death of that person

  9. im not surprised that ppl care more about the kardashians than some war, i mean DAT EVERYTHING on kim kardashian, except the lack of intelligence, makes me want to hold hollywood at nuke point and force them to get some higher education (at least the ones that are completely braindead when it comes current events, politics, history, math, science, stuff like that)