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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. the war in iraq wasnt justified in any way whatsoever, there were no WMD's, even the UN said they didnt find any, and saddam let the UN search for them all they wanted, and NOTHING was found, the invasion was also illegal: it wasnt sanctioned by congress, bush sorta just said "lets invade iraq", wasnt sanctioned by the UN either cause there was no cause to invade them.


    this video pretty much explains everything in a minute or so


  2. it never should've happened in the first place, all the us did was destroy an oil rich country to increase the world price of oil so that oil companies would make more off the market, and it was a war to test out new weapons and tactics in the field, thats why the us has never been at peace for more than 25 years

  3. if u read it backwards, its about an xg moderator who slowly gets hated by everyone in the clan, gets demoted, kicked out and gets banned for joining a rival clan. that and its all a bunch of gibberish (literally reading it backwards for the Mensa ppl out there (mensa is a gathering of rly smart ppl))

  4. ez kill's prone to raping, also not sure if girl or boy with rly high voice, most likely a girl though. inb4 everyone's talking to u because ur a girl (happens to all of them that are in xg)

  5. christmas has gone from spending time with friends and family to seeing who gets the best present, in other words, ppl care more about the material than the purpose of it (like a cool looking car thats actually pretty crappy to have). thats why i dont ask for anything on christmas, cause i dont want to burden others with finding a gift that i will accept

  6. let the bodies is overused and too obvious for a killing spree, sparta remix is like that antoine dodson autotune song, its funny/good the first few times, then u start to hate it with the burning passion of a thousand suns