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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. Never said i didnt, Now didnt i? Stop putting words in my mouth.


    I spawned as a t. Never i left the Cell while i was CT, Or Prior the "Abuse". I was in my cell, Prior orders. Swapped myself, bought the day, Swapped back and proceeded to do as usual. (which is rebel) I believe since Nobody was there, Nobody can really talk on that case, as you had to be there to see it. Also, themick only saw the console output, Not the actual thing. He would have understood My reasons behind doing this.


    If this is the case, seems legit. As long as he didnt use ct to gain an advantage on the ct team, -1

  2. First off terrible use of the word holocaust you ignoramus. Purge or even something punny like "Spring Cleaning" would have been satisfactory.


    Anyways, why dont you just look at the activity of members (like me for example), see that we havent logged on in X (whatever you newbies decide on) and message them on the forums that they have 3 days to get activity up or they'll lose membership.


    But wait! I hear the whining already! "Oh No! I have real life problems and cant get on" Too bad, pick and choose your battles. We have a forum section dedicated to temporary leaves


    "My grandma got a toaster caught in her rectum and I had to visit in the hospital every day for a month straight!" Cool story bro, i almost feel bad.


    "I dont get good grades and lost computer priveledges, but I still want to be active, what can i do?" Get your priorities straight moron, stay in school and pass, its not hard.


    Oh how I missed you...faggot :)

  3. I suggest a zombie server then, I played on some zoobie servers and they are quite fun, I think it would be a great idea to influence new players into our servers because we might not have some servers that they want to play so we should make more


    We used to have a zombie survival server...twice. both times they were active for all of about 2 days, then no one played them

  4. I honestly don't get why you guys are all getting down on Stego, I don't think hes fighting, he has every right to say what happened else wise you would just read BrockObama's post and think hes a rager. I've played with him and I don't agree with the fact hes a rager, how ever I have only played with him on Surf and a smidgen on Jailbreak.


    If anything I am actually glad Stego is taking up what Obama is saying and questioning it, that means he actually cares to get things sorted out, I would not want an mod who just dropped conversations and said stuff like "You got slayed deal with it" Now if it's a fruitless effort then I can understand why you are minus oneing him. :o


    Theres a difference between defending yourself, and starting shit (or keeping it going). Instead of feeding the fire, he could say something like "while i disagree with what ur saying, feel however you want"

  5. Yes I did put a member abuse on him because it is member abuse to go after someone on anything especially something like a mod application just because you are mad at them for proving them wrong. The member abuse thread is completely justified. I just see this as proof of how immature of a person he can be and why I dont think he should be in xG.

    @@MuffinMonster I dont post something like a member abuse thread for one event unlike what he has done here. Considering that it was that last night after I killed brock multiple times he stated that "you will never get mod, everyone in xG hates you" and now that I got him more annoyed by me getting him in trouble he has come onto my mod application and done this. Not to mention how he over exagerates everything in his post. If he legitmately wanted me to not get mod not just because he was mad he would have not posted that way.


    Reguardless. Starting a flame war is one of the worst things you can do on a mod app. Even participating in one. The fact that you cant drop a petty argument scares me. -1 for now. A mod should be able to forgive and forget something as stupid as a little piss fight

  6. This is disgusting. -1. You guys torment the kid until he stops talking. Grow the fuck up. Bring some proof, and dont drive him and instigate problems, THEN maybe we'll talk. /request close

  7. -1.


    1. If somebody is hacking, they'll know people are watching them.


    2. If somebody who freekilled before without a mod or admin seeing it. They'll know that nobody saw it and then if the mods/admins want to see them freekill again to CT ban or slay them, they'll stop because they'll know they're watching him.


    +1. Those are both good things, as the person wouldnt hack, and he wouldnt freekill. Problem solved


    Im pretty sure The Zombie server never have been released. It was password protectet for 2 weeks. I think it wasn't ready.


    ---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------


    And btw, the Jailbreak server was more populated before the ddos, so i don't think it's a good idea to shut it down.


    This recent one failed, but we had a different one not too far back before you showed up. It failed. Hard. It was mildly populated for about 4 days, then no one ever went on again. When silence got rid of that trash, everyone went "DAFUQQQ"??? Which is gay shit

  9. Sorry I'm never on any more guys, but for some reason I lost all my admin powers (server glitch?) and when I do go on I get raged at by butthurt kids.


    Its not a glitch...you left...remember? You get your powers taken away after you leave...