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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. +1, he spammed me with "Nigger" over steam, which caused me to delete him, and he spams it in the website chat box.


    Also, as you can see, he spams "Digger Nicks" in chat A LOT.


    Xeno Gamers - Search


    I say we have him either stripped from xG, or banned.. or both? LOLOL


    +1 for this. Up until recently I've just kind of ignored him, but he is definitly going around the rules...a lot


    In case you haven't noticed, people who have been with xG for a long time have a very low tolerance for most things. The people posting are the regulars on RPG surf, which you aren't one of.


    We do have a very low tolerance for most things, because we've been in this clan long enough to realize who the idiots are. And yes, i am a regular on surf. I go under different names.

  3. Guy perma is too serious. Get her to read the motd and until she does just keep her on T do a week ban or something. Perma is way to serious and honestly i dont think she would even know how to appeal it. I have had to do many many many step by step dirrections just for appling to xG with some people on surf. And they are like 16-17 years old!


    LOL weve told her to...many times...its well deserved. Ive explained to her SO many times how to read the motd. When i ask "did you read it?" She says yes, and then does something stupid. +1 for perm ct ban

  4. Just to repeat...AGAIN...now listen this time. All chat and mute/unmute are for solving disputes over the rules ONLY. Do NOT abuse this. If i catch a mod (or above...hopefully not -_-) abusing all chat/mute/unmute, I WILL start banning as I see fit, and you can wait for Aegean/Serbian to decide what to do with you. I'm not letting this get taken away again, just because some of our mods are immature when they get power...


    It's just the argument of old versus new. I don't disagree or agree with what he said but debates like this are always started by the older members to be honest.


    Lul I'm not trying to start a debate or argument, im just stating how i feel.

  6. Lol it isnt the same...at all. xG used to be a tight knit group of people, where everyone liked and respected everyone else. You could act however you wanted, and no one would judge you for it. Now, few people actually respect one another. And in terms of the servers, that is nowhere NEAR the same. As we've grown and expanded, so have our servers. Now we have different plugins, and different servers altogether.

  7. the whole thing was an issue between Drank Jr. and duckii jr. and i was not present during this, but i was banned because i was in the steam group. As far as i know Drank Jr. said something about DDoS'ing duckii jr., and then silence Banned everyone who was in the steam group. I was no part of what transpired and am simply requesting that my wishes to be on good terms with EVERYONE are atleast acknowledged


    We know what happened...we just can't unban you. Silence needs to give the okay first...