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Posts posted by HighSociety


    I never acted rudely towards you poncher, I flamed with kids but I don't recall doing it with you.


    You flamed at me when I told you to not go onto other jailbreak servers with the xG tag on and troll. Which you ended up doing anyways...

  2. Poncher, I'm glad you at least posted. Poncher the only person who was kind to me and I turned dick on him was DuckiiJr; and I'm still regretting that. Its been 4 month by the way, I don't know how you would know if I had changed or not.


    I +1ed you for mod, I vouched for u in game and out of game, and I showed nothing but kindness, and then you pretty much spat in my face...to be brutally honest, I couldn't care less if you've changed. You can't take back what you've done in the past. What happened to "never coming back"?

  3. I'm gonna go with -1 on this one. Rexx, should we unban netex, soiarn, and daz while were at it? You used to be one of the funniest kids in xG, then you just became a COMPLETE dick to everyone. You were chill as hell until you started being a dick to everyone who was kind to you...

  4. Okay. I honestly don't remember 'raging' at people. If you could tell me when I did that I might be able to catch it but I don't remember raging. But as to what Papi said, I was there when there was a debate on a certain rule in the motd and the mod/admin there would specify the rule so I would then use what the mod or admin said. I would do that instead of the motd because once I had an admin tell me something completely different then what the motd said which never got resolved so I now try and go by what the mods/admins say instead of the motd since I do not know when it is updated and such with new rules. But honestly, I don't remember raging. I do remember though being told I freekilled and when I explained, kept being accused so eventually ignored them. I have never felt any real anger towards anyone.


    -1 smoker brings up a good point about behavior changes after mod. Show us you've changed in game, then re-apply. Also, you should be reading the MOTD frequently to keep up to date. Relying on mods isn't a great choice, as everyone makes mistakes

  5. Really? We're gonna unban the kid whos been banned 9+ times for our servers FOR THE SAME REASON?!? The kid who we use as an example of who we don't want in our community? Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. Fool us 9 times, DAFUQQQQQ?? How did that happen? Seriously. You've "pretended" to be polite, and pretended to change like 9 times already. Why should we believe that the kid we've banned the most out of anyone, has changed?? And he just got banned for scripting from ESEA. When we asked him if he scripted he blatently LIED to us...clearly...

  6. Im sorry to hear this korean...my dog that ive had for 17 years, ever since i was born, just recently got put to sleep. I know it sounds gay, but he was more of my brother then a dog. We got a new puppy a couple weeks ago, but i still mourn the loss of my best friend to this day :'(...RIP Gizmo Poncher

  7. -1

    you fucked up pretty bad. you showed how little maturity you have when you made that thread before you left xG.


    Im gonna have to agree. You've tried this before. Last time, you "improved" temporarily, then became a dick again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. -1

  8. You motherfucker. You create a shitty thread like the fucking ^banned thread. Then you leave for forever. Then you come back and make a NEW shitty thread. You sir, are a penis. I am impressed by your ability to make many mushroom stamps on these forums. I applaud your efforts. But i will kill you.