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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. orangejuice lied to him about me spawn killing .....................

    i didnt spawn kill .............


    Lol ur an idiot...i watched you spawn kill. Multiple times. You were warned. A lot. After your ban, if i catch you doing it again, you wont play on our servers anymore. Ever. So its time to grow up, and play the game how it was supposed to be played

  2. I was joking about crashing the website. Just to get rid of all confusion. I know Ddosing is a big deal. But I am tired. And not thinking straight.


    For even joking about that with xG, ur an idiot...really? You havent learned by now that "joke" ddos attacks get people BANNED. Think about what you do before you do it...

  3. IM NOT LYING IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. I covered my ass by saying I did it on purpose to save myself the embarrassment. Believe what you want. No reason for this thread anymore im not mad at all or anything. So long exactly is the ban ? Papi said it was less then a week by a little bit.


    And you change your story...again. /requestclose

  4. Chunk!* and you know what you did. Dont act like an ignorant tool. Papi was there, he knows it wasnt an accident. He repeated with the wrong orders on purpose then said "HA I REPEATED THE WRONG ORDERS SO YOU WOULD ALL DIE YOU RETARDS" which led to at least 20 t's dying. -1 obviously...

  5. I don't see why people have to post their emotions and feelings with their decision. Yes, he fucked up with xG before and some of you guys don't like him.. Your bashing and all that shit is not necessary in your post. Just follow the format, no need to be a dick about it.


    No one was bashing him. I was saying that he clearly doesnt give a fuck, and hed be a bad representation of xG

  6. Coming back to the forums after all this time' date=' and that is all you have to say, not even an apology? fuck off.[/quote']




    Why are you acting like such an asshole towards me? I didn't do anything to you.


    Not me, xG. You clearly dont give a fuck judging from your post. You used to be chill as helllll, then you just became a complete asshole. You fucked up. Hard. You show no remorse AT ALL, and to me, thats pathetic...and i dont want to be associated with you in any way any more...

  7. I learned to stop being a jackass and such. I kinda want to be apart of the community again' date=' at least give me a chance like everyone else.[/quote']


    So prove it. Dont act like you dont give a fuck.

  8. I guess I'll be the first to +1 you. Since nobody followed the correct vouching format, I guess so far you stand at a +1. Aw :3


    Why: He was a good player and worked his way up to admin. Even though he abused HARD, I don't think it should be a perm perm ban. It's been over 2 months. It really can't hurt if we unban him and promise never to give him powers back. Unless he mass freekills or something, then go ahead and perm perm ban him. Hell, we gave neteX and Soiarn a hundred chances before perm perm banning them.


    Maturity: Honestly tends to be a jackass sometimes. I've known him since I joined xG (he was the first mod I got to hate me lol) and he was REALLY responsible then. He did deteriorate and abuse, but that wouldn't matter since we wouldn't just give him his powers back.


    Activity: VERY VERY active when he was in the clan. I always saw him on JB and TS3.


    P.S. ItZ Russian is Quarantine


    Wrong. Hes at a 0 now. You dont need to use the format as long as you give a legit reason. GG sir. And the reason "we gave neteX and soiarn both a hundred chances" is proof that we need to stop being so lenient with trolls. Quars post and his wording prove that he doesnt give a flying fuck about this community. "Im bored" really? If he gets back in, there is seriously something wrong with this system. Also, having him as a member would hurt this community, as hed represent us terribly. If he wants to be unbanned, he can go ahead and post a ban protest that he wont give a shit about either...