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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. Decision: -1

    Why: Ban them all


    Guess this

    He is completely immature.

    Maturity: He is extremely immature, would not represent xG well at all. Everytime he is on one of our servers I have to warn him about something he is doing wrong.

    Activity: Usually see him on Jailbreak sometimes.


    Couldnt have said it better myself. -1


    ---------- Post added 02-13-2012 at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was 02-12-2012 at 11:50 PM ----------


    Pixel Glen Becks Nipple Hair


    Btw glenn, an elephant never forgets

  2. i was slayed by mike hawk, so the next round i call a mike mom suck my dick freeday and he kick i came back trolled a little sayed he had no balls ban but his mom did suck my dick lol learn my lesson just unban me :) !no ball


    What is this? I dont even...

  3. Okay...ill be the first to -1. You cant just leave and rejoin whenever it pleases your sorry ass. Youve done SO many things wrong to xG that im surprised ur not banned from forums. Youve shown no remorse in the past, and still dont...

  4. Well ive looked through our teamban log and i cant seem to find your name... or steam id.....

    but however, judging from what we have here your ct ban shud remain

    obviously u think our rules are nothing but a joke to you, and once you face the consequences you come whining for a unban..


    Its a server ban...he massed and fled...-1

  5. I personally think only mods and up (if not admins and up) should be allowed to vouch for mods (if not membership as well) this would eliminate someone just getting a bunch of their friends to vouch for them, and then they become mod, and they dont actually know anything about xG (as has happened in the past)...

  6. +1. Im on my phone and am too lazy to look at the new shitty vouching format. So ill do it how i normally do, cuz im a rebel. Ive played with him quite a bit, and besides for the occasional freekill (which everyone does) hes an amazing player. He knows the MOTD real well, and he keeps his cool. Ive never seen him flame or troll, so thats always good. I believe he would make a great asset to our clan.




    Captain Chunk!

    (aka Poncher)

    (aka Rebel)

  7. Desicion:-1

    Why:Asking for people to go to it and check it out pretty much asking for vouches and god damit i tried to take a screen shot but i dont know how ..... execept for that i thought he should be in xG

    Maturity:seem ok

    Activity:Active on jb and RPG


    I didn't know you spoke russian. Now please speak english. You know, with punctuation and at least SOME form of grammar...

  8. <3

    the rebelling skills that u learn in our jb are like 20 times more effective when u go on other servers, im not kidding, a score of like 10-6 on our jb will get u like 30-4 on other servers, SO EASY TO REBEL!!!:D


    Sooooooo trueeeeee