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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. We were all in a stack in nexzoid, about to play no balls (i think) no orders were given after the stack command. Hitman proceeded to freekill about 10-15 people. I slayed him. IMMEDIATLY after i slayed i looked to see if he was still in game. He was not. Sunny was the only other admin on, and he was afk, so i knew he didnt kick him (i think jihad came on right after it happened). Massed and fled. So i permed. Do with it what you may. I, for one, never buy the "i let someone else use my account" crap...take better care of your shit. They also wouldnt have known to flee right away...so im calling bullshit.

  2. This is my formal +1 for Herpes to become a co leader. Im not entirely sure how one becomes co-leader, but im assuming it has something to do with a majority of xG, both co-leaders approval, and silences approval ofc. Herpes has been not only an amazing mod/admin/ and div leader, but a great friend to me, and many more in and out of xG. Hes incredibly personable, and ALWAYS thinks about tough decisions before he acts, but he also acts promptly when necessary. I personally believe he would be an awesome co-leader for xG. Nuff said.


    Post 555 BTW :D

  3. There should be no mod/admin intervention. They can't say "talk over warden you'll be slayed," only "you're a rebel." Communications disruption is a major part of being a T and talking over warden is a gameplay tactic rather than a rule violation.


    I think he's talking about CTs. I never slay for that, only mute cts...

  4. 1. I've been an accomplished professional tattoo artist since I was 16.

    2. I tour and work with quite a number of huge bands, and have tattooed quite a few famous people.

    3. I had a serious cocaine addiction ($150-$300 a day) between the ages of 18-20, got clean on my own, been clean since.

    4. Ive made porn with strippers.

    5. I play bass guitar and sing for a Celtic (aka Irish: see Dropkick Murphys/ Flogging Molly/ The Pogues) band that has been in development for well over a year now lol.


    Did you happen to play at summerfest in milwaukee last summer?? I may come see you to get my tats done when im 18 :D. Ima get a black and red starstud on one wrist, the word "fuck" with a censor bar going through it on the other wrist, and im gonna get a prayer or awesome quote (havent decided which yet) on my ribcage. And later on i may get the sublime sun on my shoulder :)