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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. Is that the only argument u have against him? O.o it seems that u bring it up every time you 2 ♥♥♥♥♥ at eachother
  2. Ahaha yeah papi, i gotta stop that ♥♥♥♥. Gives me a tummy ache. Lul no. Pot, fireworks (they're illegal where i live, which is ♥♥♥ as fuuuuu), and alcohol...
  3. I came on his pillow...lul jk. My grades combined with him finding my stash.
  4. Even if u dun have mw3, post ur usernames and ill add u :)
  5. Hey guys. I just wanted to let u guys know that i may not be on CSS for a little while. My dad decided he would start PMSing, so i dont currently have a computer. I may be back in a few days, or i may be back in a few weeks...idk yet. Ill still be active on the forums, as i still have my phone. I cant wait to get back on CSS and play with you guys again. Thanks for understanding. Peace ladies.
  6. Oh bluntman -.- I change to a -1
  7. Yessss, always does this. -1
  8. He is actually 17. And what the hell does his playtime per day have to do with his level of schooling? Ur comment made almost no sense....
  9. You can tell a T to drop a gun while they are still in cells. That is one of the only exceptions to "no incell orders." Otherwise a T could destroy a CT and not get in trouble.
  10. +1 he's never trolled without reason. Hes an awesome guy, and he knows the rules. Would make a great mod.
  11. Are u on 24 hours a day? No? Then dont say "herpderp -1 havent seen u. Ur not active. Herpderpderp" hes on every time im on, and i am on almost 24 hours a day, cuz i have no life. +1. Ive had a few problems with him, but nothing major. Hes alright in my book.
  12. Yeahup...then throws a fit when he doesn't get what he wants...
  13. HighSociety

    I'm leaving

    For a minute, when I read the title...I though "I don't care." Now that I read the post, Im now thinking "I don't care."
  14. Papis right, I've been on surf a lot recently, and I'm almost always the only mod on...
  15. +1 dudes chill as ♥♥♥♥. Mature, knows rules, doesn't troll. Would make a fine addition to xGs mods
  16. I've wanted it changed back since the day silence changed it. It was WAYYYY more populated before the change (which is hard to do, considering its pretty populated now) but the server was almost full, 24/7. I stopped using our surf server after it changed. It was more fun to me before the change...
  17. HighSociety

    My faves

    Add thrice to the list, they have great lyrics :)
  18. HighSociety


    Puff the magic dragon...
  19. Inb4mikeesrages, and inb4close
  20. Shittyish. I'm afc half the time lul. I don't rly care bout k/d tbh haha. Btw who's sir accurate?
  21. Hey guys, just wanted to make a post here to say that i created an elite clan for Mw3 on Ps3. It's called "We are Rebels" or WaR...surprising right? We are accepting anyone and everyone. if you would like to join, just message me wherever. my ps3 Username is "Spoony999"...dont ask...