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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. Good ♥♥♥♥, i look forward to working with u guys :)
  2. +1, would make an amazing addition to the xG team :)
  3. U have to be active on the forums (100 or 200 posts or whatever it is now) were a growing clan, and need dedicated mod. Ur one of my best friends in real life, but just b patient. Like he said, good things come to those who wait. If ur active on the forums, and don't spam useless ♥♥♥♥ (which u don't), more people will get to know u, and will like u more. If u truly care about xG, and want mod to help better this fine clan, then take the time to show it. It took me awhile to get mod. If ur active on servers and forums, ull get it in no time. Just my two cents :)
  4. -1 CONSTANTLY breaks rules. And constantly spams to unban his friend...
  5. i definitly +1. i was in jb when he was rebanned. he raged. big time. he came back about an hour later saying "thank god i got tarin on fraps" and "i dont care, tarins getting demoted" He then proceeded to "command" me to change my name. i told him i dont have to, and that i wouldnt. then he said "im requesting it, you have to" i then said "lick my nuts :D" lol jk...i said "u dont have power over me, do NOT talk to me like that again, or u will be server banned, not just teambanned. if i wanted to, i could "request" that u change ur name back to oscar, so the other mods know who u r, and it would be a "command" He thinks hes above the rules, and believes he can disrespect any member he wants, with no consequences. He is a TERRIBLE representation of xG and does not deserve to wear our tag...
  6. this isnt a big deal :3 lul. < not a real post...just ♥♥♥♥ing with pyro :D
  7. Same...he used to rage/flame/fail troll constantly
  8. LOL 3 things. 1. Snackbar wrote that, not me. He was trolling, i was agreeing. 2. I dont troll. I point out peoples ignorance and make fun of it. 3. U deserve all the trolling u get...first impressions are everything, and u made terrible first impressions on a lot of people
  9. A giant black ♥♥♥♥♥...wait, that was for kelly...
  10. Hell yeah ur doin a great job man. Its only a matter of time till u get adminz :). Im glad to work alongside u and all the other xG mods/admins/divs out there. Not coleaders cuz aegeans a buttface...jk i love aegean and duckii :). Btw, was this a shameless plug to show that u deserve admin?? O.o jk xD
  11. HighSociety


    Hes not a random. Hes in xG isnt he?
  13. -1 for reasons stated above. I may change my vouch when u get to 200 posts. NOT SPAMMING
  14. +1 colour for president :)
  15. Ahaha ohhh yes...time to creep :P
  16. ^banned cuz I realize this is the sad...sad truth
  17. True sonn..this man gave me 3 hat packs. 3!!! What a fkn boss
  18. Im neutral. U shouldnt be leaving the clan when things get bad, then coming back when its convenient for YOU...so im staying a 0