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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. If u cant listen to simple orders...u dont deserve to be in the clan. L2listen. I was there. He CLEARLY said "im testing...choose dodgeball or ill ban u" u didnt listen, so he followed up. No ones fault but ur own...
  2. Nighty, hes been in the clan longer than u hahaha
  3. Slight problem i believe i have already talked to u about. Me and xavien cant run TS. Weve tried everything...but it wont work. I am on CSS almost everyday, so i hope that will balance it out haha.
  4. Ill +1 now that hes explained...i like skyfrost sooooo YES
  5. I +1 this, and would have permed him myself next time i caught him being an ignorant prick...
  6. HighSociety


    Tarins been around for awhile lol...hes always on when im on. And im on errday. Soooooo +1
  7. Lol i knocked my dad out for hitting my mom...he woke up 1 minute later and put my head through drywall. That was an interesting trip to the hospital...
  8. I did all the above...i will send u a screeny later tonight lol
  9. HighSociety


    sorry...disreguard my last post...i was not in my own state of mind lol. i talked to him today, and played with him for awhile. dudes chill as hell +1
  10. sooooo cigaro just gifted me a hat pack (cuz hes beautiful), i entered the code...typed !hats...and it comes up with a gray box and nothing else. help please?
  11. -1 for unban. Every time im on...hes got the tag on.
  12. Kevin...u seem to hav a problem with everyone in xG lol...half the ban requests r from u...WITH NO PROOOOOOOF GAHHHHH
  13. HighSociety


    -1 wayyyy too soon lol. Just saw him like yesterday
  14. 0 for now...u cant just quit when things get tough, and then join at your convenience
  15. -1 never stops breaking the rules....
  16. We had escape prison, and dr iceworld. Prison got removed cuz its literally impossible. All the drs got removed and put into a dr server now.
  17. Ehh theyre amateur at best ;P. Ill post some of my stuff later to show u what the big leagues look like :D
  18. HighSociety


    Lol I act like I respect authority, then I go and tag cop cars in the parking lot LOL. Did I mention rent-a-cops ARE NOT real people? Theyre about the equivalent of roaches. Scratch that, theyre the microscopic dingleberry on the ♥♥♥ of the cockroach
  19. ^banned for using this thread to spike up your post count :P
  20. HighSociety

    Dat laugh

    It would be a foreigner...just sayin