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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. But i have to admit that if aegean were a potato, he would be a sexy potato.
  2. I still believe that the pokemon yellow battle music would b perfect lul.
  3. Old, but still ♥♥♥♥in awesome. Even though their new albums sounds like AVA
  4. thanks guys. it took about a day to do. i traced the faces in illustrator, from the album cover of "the mark tom and travis show," cropped the album cover of "take off your pants and jacket" i then printed it on a machine called the Roland Versacamm. its a new machine we just got in our print shop, so i decided to break it in and do a stress test. thing works lika boss :D.
  5. Lol immolated...uve been doing the same thing. If u plan on applying for forum mod right after u get 100 posts...dont...
  6. I designed and printed this myself. It is a 50 inch banner that i hung on my wall.
  7. HighSociety


    Im not even gonna plus one cuz she really doesnt need any...but +1 cuz i miss chewww :P
  8. U forgot bumble♥♥♥♥. Thats where i live.
  9. +1 fasho. Ive played with him quite a bit, and hes a great asset to xG. Knows the rules, and is quite the exquisite surfer
  10. Oh yessss. Ima +1 cuz i love this motha♥♥♥♥a. Knows the rules, is chill as hell, and ive never had a single problem with him.
  11. -1...not a good thing to joke about when making first impressions. If thats his sense of humor, theres no way hed do anything good for xG...
  12. HighSociety


    Yeahhh, -1...does not know rule AT ALL and flames...quite a bit
  13. HighSociety


    Not points...posts. 100 forum posts...u know? "Posts" P-O-S-T-S not "Points"
  14. yeah, but it was a longish time ago...then again, people never really change...sadly :(
  15. HighSociety


    nah, just a whore :)
  16. HighSociety


    i thought soiarn stole ur goat? BADUM TISSS...see what i did there? :P
  17. yes i did...an elephant never forgets ;)
  18. if youve grown up, and dont abuse like u did when u had mod...ill +1. it would be chill to see you back in this clan. hopefully youve matured a bit.