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Everything posted by HighSociety

  1. I can see button spam on T, weirdo :P
  2. He makes a huuuge deal out of every little thing that happens, and spams constantly. I +1 a week-long forum ban for him to chill the ♥♥♥♥ out -.-. And im doing this because hes making stupid, pointless threads about others. So im making one for him :)
  3. Meh, I'm gonna have to say -1. I constantly see him breaking rules, hence the ct ban. Ive seen him troll a bit too
  4. +1. Cool kid, knows rules...all the normal bs lul
  5. Lol I look at the member protest section and its all you.....
  6. HighSociety

    Stay Strong

    Well, now we have to kick the ♥♥♥♥ out of this kid for being an attention whore, and pretty much sticking his middle finger up to anyone whos been bullied. What a ♥♥♥♥ing lifeless peice of ♥♥♥♥....
  7. +1. I seen it with my own 3 eyes
  8. Grats everyone, I look forward to working with you guys :). And nighty, two things. 1. Don't beg/whine when u don't get promoted...it greatly decreases ur chances. 2. U just became mod. Why would u be promoted?
  9. He's been apologizing non stop since it happened. He seems genuinely sorry about it. It was an honest mistake. I +1 the unban
  10. HighSociety

    Stay Strong

    Also, his newer videos clearly show him in a joyous expression stating "im fine now". Get over it...
  11. HighSociety

    Stay Strong

    Seriously. I felt bad for the kid...3 months ago. Hes fine now. I actually had a conversation with him a couple weeks ago. Hes one of my friends friends...idk how they know eachother lul. And dont call me an insensitive troll, cuz ive gone through the same ♥♥♥♥. I used to be suicidal. I still get picked on/kicked the crap out of daily. Hes got more close friends than he can count now, as do i. All this recent internet fame is just a massive form of gravedigging. Literally. Its over and done with, just let it be, let it be, let it be...
  12. HighSociety


    GOD ♥♥♥♥♥♥ HERPES...STOP ABUSING. I mean really. Ur such a new admin and ur already abusing. Stop slaying people for breaking the rules...its UNWARRENTED lullllllllllllllll
  13. Ahahahahahaha ohhhh the memories, I went through a little scene phase when I dated this scene chick, and she listened to BOTDF. I just listened to candyland for the first time in a few years...and i cant make my ears stop bleeding :(
  14. Intelligence has nothing to do with character. U could be the smartest SOB ever, and be a complete ♥♥♥♥. But i do agree that he knows the rules, theres no doubt about that...he just chooses not to follow them. Btw, if you post a pic of urself with a sign that says "i love silence", its an auto-unban. Im sure it applies to ct bans as well. ---------- Post added at 02:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 AM ---------- And btw, no one forgave neteX, or glenn for that matter. I still dislike both of them. We decided (for some ♥♥♥♥ing reason) to give them another chance...or in neteX's case, 10...so i guess u deserve another. Ill +1 the unban. We will be watching you though of course
  15. This fo tha motha♥♥♥♥ing win. I'm the exact same sonnnn
  16. Ahaha have u been cheeseing? Cutting the cheese? The cheese game?
  17. I know that if u don't mass right away, u will eventually. Uve been a troll since day 1, and every day since. Either way...its an obvious -1 from me...
  18. Lol who cares? U knew that the first time u did it. Obvious troll is obvious. Gtfo aaron. U do nothing but flame and troll. I have no nicer way to say this sooooo...♥♥♥♥ off
  19. Yeah this. Reapply when u have like 130ish posts, and ill vouch for u. Idk, I just don't like it when people apply right after they get 100 posts. Makes me feel like all they care about is mod.
  20. They were plotting to bomb silence and take over xG for themselves...BAN HAMMER