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Posts posted by Smokeyyy

  1. I had mine last week, lol failed my Trig exam with an F, my Economics exam with an F, as for spanish Idk yet, computers i got a 65 = D, English, unknown atm, physics probably a D, and yea :P

  2. I played with him today in surf (Was monitoring the server making sure everything was right) and we just started talking, hes a chill guy, doesnt rage like typical people, always a helpful hand. +1 Hes awesome. would be cool to see him in the community.

  3. +1 I played in surf with him today, hes a chill and cool guy, doesnt break rules (from what I've seen), is a regular guy in a server just having fun like everyone else, he also doesnt seem to rage. :)

  4. True that. I'm currently in a friendzone situation, gonna try to get out of it this weekend hopefully. Thing with being in the friendzone is, you just have to go for it. I know people will be like "Oh easier said than done", but it's so true. If you're in the friendzone, anyone in xG, just go for it regardless of the outcome, rejection or exception, you won't know until you go and find out. I've been pondering around with this girl for 3 months, you don't want to end up not saying anything then later down the road she's like "UGH WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME OUT".


    For the girls who say "Ugh I just want a nice guy", they're just trying to get attention. Or they're just really stupid. They ignore the nice guys for the assholes, they like looks over personality, most guys are good looking and nice yet still get some hot juice head picked over them, then the girls complain when they get their heart broken. It's actually ridiculous how women logic works these days.

    OMG spoke my words without me saying anything, I hate that shitttt

  5. Have fun, if your not playing with us you might as well go $%&^ a girl :D, lol, if im not playing its either because of dem hoes, school, or sports. Hope you still come and play. We would chill in Jb all the time, always be laughing and shittttt (finally know what "the family" means)

  6. Yes, you guys are going to rage... are you gonna come all the way to Bridgeport, IL (near chicago), to do nothing, I clearly wanted to do the same, but they are already gonna pay the consequence and will suffer greatly for it, it doesnt make it any better to beat their asses, you're gonna basically do the same thing, to accomplish nothing.. trust me I feel you, I was going to ditch school today with about 6 of my friends and take a bus there, and look for them... its about 23 mins from my school :P.

  7. EVERYONE is Prejudice, Racist, Sexist, and a Stereotype. There is no possible way you're gonna tell me you're not, I bet everyone one of you guy's/girl's here has said something offensive to another, however the fact may have been that they said something first, you didnt mean it, or you were joking around. All that matters is how OFTEN you say something offensive, what EXACTLY you said, and WHERE/WHEN you say it. +1 I agree with the thread, the server rules need to be specified and dealt with more seriously so it doesnt look like we can say w/e and get out with it.

  8. Hey, idk wtf happened, but he at least came through and said it straightforward what he did wrong, he didnt just leave the community, or keep disrespecting (if he still was/is). I acknowledge the fact he came clean and said what he did wrong, but this is an issue to deal with the victims, and mods/admis/divLeaders and so forth.

  9. I have my tests this coming Wednesday, Thursday and Friday...

    Wednesday - Economics Final (7:30am), Computers final :P, Spanish Final ;D.

    Thursday - English Final, then Physics Final <--(hate that shyt), Trigonometry Final :O

    Friday - Gym (lol), Lunch (Easy A), No 9th Period.

  10. +1 I agree with Kenny, before I came to xG , I would mess around in random servers, and the ones I would go to would have 35+ people in there playing and having fun...guess what map was the majority played on.. Dust2, but, yes there was a little office, train, and season, but the majority was always Dust2. I think if we do put dust2, more people should come because our servers are great when we arent getting hacked (ddos'd). Herb as$ nigg@ (Insider)