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Posts posted by Smokeyyy

  1. You know, I'll totally +1 you if you apologize for calling Americans idiots and turning my thred into a flame war. That's just not cool.

    You got my word for it, just take out the post, I overreacted, but im just saying what some people do to ruin lives for millions.

  2. With little proof provided or is being processed I've seen him be really annoying, like one of those kids at school that talks ♥♥♥♥ everyday to you, and one day it happens and you beat (ban) his ♥♥♥. Furthermore he'll stop messing with you and become scared to do the stuff he has done. :D

  3. have fun being a police state, dont expect help from every other free country until u fix ur ♥♥♥♥ and stop trying to police the world, directed to us in general

    So right on point, america is trying to go and completely control Afghanistan and other places thinking they own it... thinking if they leave they're gonna get bombed, gtfo and think, idiot americans.

  4. I vote for the one who stop's SOPA

    I agree with Jimmy on this. All day.

    All I gotta say is "♥♥♥♥ politics, its all bs, and corrupt, person with the most money wins not the smart knowledgeable one. Idk, all I know its that bringing the Us troops home won't resolve anything, Afghanistan will remain ♥♥♥♥ed up and get worse and us being there is not changing anything its making it worse. I'm just getting to the point that Presidents are just muppets ordered to say and do certain things. (Opinion) This is just my opinion, dont flame me, just expressing it.

  5. Yea sorry, buddy as true as it seems we cant do anything about it, I know something didnt go your way, I hate that shyt too, but we gotta live through it. :/

  6. Wow, sounds like a reocurring dream, try to stay of Cs or violent video games, for a while, if not try to listen to happy or pleasing music before you sleep, maybe have a light on at night. If it still happens tell your parents, maybe if at worst you go to a doctor, but i doubt its that bad...hommie your from Chicago, key word Chi-City, kinda dangerous, lots of bad things happen here. If at all I would be scared of a black guy stealing off of me.

  7. Member Name: Smokeyyy


    In-Game Name: [xG:DB] Smokeyyy [DC]


    What game?: CSS


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40497284


    Age: 17


    Donated: Yes


    Other information: >I am very active in Ts3, Cs;s forums, and on Tinychat (lol).

    >I know the MOTD very good.

    >I respect all xG members and Staff members. I tend to joke around with everyone, and make friends very easily.

    >I read the MOTD 2 times a week for updates. I act mature about things. I am nice to people

    >I think I should be able to achieve moderator because i've been in the clan since last early summer, I see a lot of freekilling and mishappenings that other Mods don't see or are already dealing with a handful of problems, I am a helpful hand to people.