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Posts posted by Smokeyyy

  1. Your opinion doesn't mean anything in xG anymore considering you got kicked out for being extremely disrespectful towards the members. I respect everyone except for people who don't deserve it. Treat me how you want to be treated. All you did was break rules and be respectful. You're not even in xG, you need to be a member to vouch..

    That ^^ right there show that he gives everyone an equal amount of respect, he doesnt treat by favoritism way, hes fail and just. +1, seems like a chill guy especially in jb. :)


    ---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------



    Your opinion doesn't mean anything in xG anymore considering you got kicked out for being extremely disrespectful towards the members. I respect everyone except for people who don't deserve it. Treat me how you want to be treated. All you did was break rules and be respectful. You're not even in xG, you need to be a member to vouch..

    That ^^ right there show that he gives everyone an equal amount of respect, he doesnt treat by favoritism way, hes fail and just. +1, seems like a chill guy especially in jb. :)


    ---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ----------


    Sorry I tweaked, and so did my bad internet. :P, you get the point.


    ---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------


    Sorry I tweaked, and so did my bad internet. :P, you get the point.

  2. I respect your decision on leaving, I've played with you quite a lot in Jb during last summer, it was fun and all. I understand your answer wont change, but take it into consideration, not everyone loves you, not everyone likes you, but there are a handful of people who care and respect the fact that you have the balls to take it in and don't give 2 shitssss's, I got gagged and kicked by tarin for argueing with him about giving orders, I just let him do whatever he wanted to do, I dont think both were necessary, but w/e Idc, if people talk ♥♥♥♥ or do something that annoys me. I'l straight up IGNORE them, trust me...When someone is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you off and getting your attention to get you mad, you just Ignore them, it will get them even more mad then you and it wont get to your head. If you had stayed and played with xG over a year, I don't think this should stop you, maybe just take a couple day/week break and come back and play with us, its fun, I get freekilled sooooooooooooo much, but when I'm laughing and joking with everyone its all good and fun. What goes around come around, if you suffer from someone's abusing or wrong doing's, they get it served back in there face, just stay and have fun with us, or at least the -good- mods, and nobles on thy server. :D

  3. Just go and get it over with, when I study I do bad, I just remember, and times I do good and bad, I wanna try and smoke to see if it actually helps me. :P, exams the 12th for me.

  4. ♥♥♥♥♥!!!!! That goat thing, ahahahha, wtf, so random, lmao but I agree with Herpes, it was so random and out of the ordinary for someone to make a thread about "jokes" or am I not?

  5. When I got so ♥♥♥♥ faced in Mexico, threw up that night, and in the morning i woke up, threw up again, and left for the airport, throwing up before I got in a bus, during the ride, at the airport about 5 times. Then took some relieving pills, slept and ate breadsticks, and threw up when I got home. All I remember was talking to some black guy about Call of Duty, and wanting to party...story of my life.. (so far)

  6. He should stay this way, he wouldn't shut up long time ago when I was talking on Jb, I know evidence is crucial, but I admit to the fact his mic is terrible and he talked over me. -1