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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Make a wish make a wishmake a wish make a wishmake a wish make a wishmake a wish make a wishmake a wish make a wish
  2. Herpes.....I was forced by death threats to say this by @Herpes Derpes. Help...this is a hostage situation....
  3. Mykhol

    !Color :( ?

    Some people said it crashed the server so prolly never....
  4. I knew about this before it was mainstream. Skyrim....rap....O.O ^Already posted this before you mad?
  5. Michael, I don't know who this david guy is but you're the sexiest. ---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ---------- Oh thanks ppssshh.!
  6. ^This man knows how to go broke.
  7. I'm getting everything but MW3... I've been a fan of Saints row since the release of the first game. I've loved elder scrolls since morrowind I barely played any other BF game but BF3 caught my attention for sure. I played Cod2 - blackops and it got repetitive at cod5 sooo yeah not spending any more money on Cod.
  8. Skyrim vs. SR3 MW3 vs. BF3 Which is better in your opinion? (Or looks better) If only there was half life somewhere in that series of 3's >.>
  9. Mykhol


    +1, knows rules, mature, older than 70% of our members >.>
  10. battle field3 - Owned Skyrim - Pre-ordered Saints row 3 - Getting for xmas MW3 - too many little kids.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50u0zUeCmU
  12. PROTIP: Always listen, unless a random is telling you to do something, then who gives a ♥♥♥♥. Or a newbie mod....because some don't know the rules still, but they'll learn one of these days...
  13. -added lets plays :D ♥♥♥♥ it got copywrite on it...
  14. SPOILER ALERT Ustream.Tv The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Walkthrough by Mangg Game Video Walkthroughs Lets plays
  15. +1 to unban this mustached man.
  16. I was about to bomb Snackbar and steal his candy, and was LITERALLY a foot away and used my "Small bomb" and not one person died, there was a stack of about 5 people and not one died....do I have to be stacked on the person for it to work? is it for people who stack on you when they're cts? or does it not even work? Conclusion: I think the bomb range for small may need to be bumped a liiiiitle bit.
  17. Because our weather man is King J...anyone get the reference? no? okay :(
  18. What isn't wrong with rabid mentally? Loljk <3 But really, what admiral said.
  19. Mykhol

    Aegean look ! lol

    +1 to ban, cover in gas, and burn kevin. 500th post, btw