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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. I think the clan would love that, Drank started a server, but silence didn't want it under the name of xG, so Idunno if he'll want a Hide and seek server under xG's name,
  2. Mykhol


    I don't like Google+, I just feel spwecial being in something before it's out.
  3. Justin, if you haven't opened your eyes even once in the entire time you've been here, Ero, Arthman, and others who have quit, Still post, so how in the **** am I not allowed to post?
  4. Holy **** buckets MajorB, Shut the **** up, no one likes you. Stop arguing, OBVIOUSLY you won't stay your entire ****ing life, so If I ever hear you're leaving, I'm gonna troll you, kay?
  5. No major, you're the one causing problems from the beginning. You may have changed the offensive term, but we still remember it.
  6. If the clan was meant for mature people, the leader would be mature OOOOH **** HERE COMES THE BANNN HAMMAAAAAAAA and why? because ****-you-thats-why. Jk <3
  7. naww braww, I still want that sexy siggy, and MajorB **** off, HG is ****, so stop being a **** bucket, Who likes you?
  8. Well, I guess I'm not allowed an opinion, but Ok, he trolls his own servers, he came into JB just to freekill everyone. xG = Not allowed an opinion.
  9. Meh, Bored, clan's getting ****ed in the anus, Silence gives 0.3 ****s about his own clan, I don't understand why half the mods are mods, Major....Active on forums? 66 posts? no. Silence it's your fault for Aegean's leavings, I luh teh peepolz in the clan, but this clan is just shitty-mc****buckets now. I don't care about MajorB's opinion, so go ahead, use your scary bold letters and rage me. KTHNXBAI I'll miss you sexies Aegean, Duckii, Null, goon, billy, Hudson, mad, Not Major, Quar, Jay, Carl, DevilAngel, IMotionzz, Microsoft, papi , Sgt blastoise, Smokey, panda, xian, kaz, <Peepolz who left xG before me>, Psycho, Honey, Selby, Nivek, , Viality, Peechis, Foxxy's bumhole, Ghost (not really), Kenny, King J, My sexy little Penguin Jr., New guy m Phailyur, Rosser, Tezz, Vanilla rape (Not grape), Xavien, Brian, Vero, Serb, Callim, Duckii jr, Roxxor, Papercreeper, Bubbles, CHickenlips, Chosen, Coke, Destroyer(s), Doc, Edison, Harry potta!, High plains, Mojo, Outlaw, Rexx, Sir Tristram, Soiarn, Trolleroftrolls, Vero Jr. Korean, EZ Kill, Herpes,Arthmaaaaan I'LL MISS YOU ALL, SOWWY IF I MISSED YOU, ****YALATUR<3 KTHNXBAIEVERYONE Lickmesilence.
  10. yea, this clan is becoming more and more immature, Silence needs to really clear the hellsgamers **** up, I love this clan, but it's just...... Not as well as I thought it would be when I joined, I love the members but.....Really Silence?
  11. *Sad songs start playing* =[ I'll miss you Aegean. So will all of xG
  12. Mykhol


    Um.... [email protected] TrustmeIdidntmaketheemaildontjudgemecuzimdifferent
  13. yea, he's in a clan called :NR: and hes always in their servers. o.o
  14. Your profile picture describes what you just said.
  15. ^banned for looking mad when smoking =D
  16. Wow duckii jr, not cool man, kill yourself, I don't love you anymore, but I do.