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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. ^Duke your house looks like a cobblestone fat man took a cobble dump all over terra nova :P NO BALLS!


    And It got fixed from Hero (I LOVE YOU HERO!)




    -sealed away in the last great time war

  2. Count your scores! This is only a game and isn't completely reflective of an actual situation. I got a 165. BIACH


    -180 to 0: Sheeple Going to die within the first few weeks, probably of starvation or being killed

    1-100: Mall Ninja Going to live a hard few weeks, but get used to it. You're more prepared than most people. There's a chance you'll snap due to the lack of internet furries.

    101-150: Survivor You're very prepared and will live. Hopefully.

    151+: Master Surviving for you is going to be no problem. You are a born survivor, or as pyschotherapists like to say, a Paranoid Schitzofrenic/Pyschopath.

  3. 9. I'm planning for (pick all that apply):

    a. supervirus/superflu/pandemic/whatever (+10)

    b. zombie apocalyspe (-100, you are a derp)

    c. Opressive government (+10)

    d. Nuclear war (+5)

    e. Conventional war on my land (+5)

    f. Economic collaspe (+10)


    10. My hobbies include (pick all that apply)

    a. Reading (+5)

    b. Survivalism (+10)

    c. Being a corporate whore (-5)

    d. Having a social life (-5)

    e. Magic tricks (0 :S)

    f. None if the internet goes down (-10)

    g. ♥♥♥♥ting in the woods (Why would that be a hobby :O)

    h. Pyschology (+5)


    11. For first aid, I can (pick all that apply)

    a. Perform minor surgery, for lacerations or bullet wounds (+25)

    b. Stitch wounds correctly (+10)

    c. Cauterize a wound correctly (+5)

    d. Bandage something (0)

    e. Make a sling (+5)

    f. I know the main arteries/veins and know when to apply a tournikit (+10)

    g. I know the organs of the body and thier anatomical position (+5)

  4. 5. My body armor is:

    a. Phone books and duct tape (0)

    b. Soft-body armor (kevlar) (+10)

    c. Ceramic plated military-style (+15)


    6. My Bug-out-bag is:

    a. Lol wats a bug out beg (-5)

    b. Empty (0)

    c. Filled and ready for action (+10)



    6. For plans I have:

    a. Nothing (-10)

    b. Some idea of where to go, but I havent thought it out (-5)

    c. A safe plan (+5)

    d. An actually safe plan, including routes, alternate routes, alternate plans, maps, scenerios (+20)


    7. My (climate's) survival skills are:

    a. Terribad (-10)

    b. Decent (0)

    c. Great (+5)

    d. I could live in the wilderness like a boss (+15)


    8. In the apocalyspe I'm going to:

    a. Have so much fun. I can be like rambo or kill zombies and sex with womens! (-10)

    b. Have fun looting and offing people I don't like (-10)

    c. Actually try to survive instead of being a derp (0)

    d. Probably die because I accept the fact that my chances of survival are thin. An hero'ing might be my only option if I live in a dense city without a way out. (+5)

  5. So I'm bored, my desktop is broken, I banned myself on minecraft by accident, so why not play a game on the forums? It's called the survival game, add points if it applies. Simple stuff. Yes there will be many typos because I'm tired as ♥♥♥ cheeks.




    Would you survive a SHTF (♥♥♥♥ hit the fan) situation or TEOTWAWKI (The end of the world as we know it)?



    1. The best firearm I own is:

    a. None (-15)

    b. "Tier 1" Low-end non-offensive weapons, including the Mosin Nagant, single shot shotguns/rifles, crossbows, bows, non-tactical .22s, and black powder (-5)

    c. "Tier 2" Lower-end firearms, Hunting shotguns (R870, M500) with a limiter, Low end pistols such as Hi-point, charter arms, or Kel-tec. Cheap rifles or carbines such as the Hi-point carbine, tactical .22s, or Lower end hunting/sniper rifles. (+5)

    d. "Tier 3" Mid-range weapns. Lower end "assault weapons" such as direct-impingement AR15s, SKS', or AK47s. "Assault / Riot" shotguns (Benelli M4, Stoeger). High end sniper rifles (Remington 700, Savage 111), pistols such as a Glock 17 or Smith and Wesson M&P9 (+15)

    e."Tier 4" High-end weapons. High end assault rifles (Bushmaster ACR, Smith and Wesson M&P, FN SCAR). Civilian legal supressed weapons or SBR's. (+25)

    f. "Tier 5" Military weaponry. Fully automatic assault rifles, SMGs, shotguns. Anti-tank weapons and explosives (M79, M32) (+35 o.O)


    2.My profiency with these weapons are:

    a. I never fired or saw a gun (-15)

    b. I suck (-10)

    c. I am decent (0)

    d. I shoot them enough to feel comfortable (+5)

    e. I have military-style or tactical training (+10)


    3.The amount of ammo I have is:


    b. 1-500 rounds (0)

    c. 501-1500 rounds (+5)

    d. 1501-2500 rounds (+10)

    e. 2501-5000 rounds (+15)

    f. 5000+ rounds (+20)


    4. For knives, I have:

    a. Butter knife (0)

    b. Multitools or swiss army knives (+5)

    c. Fighting and/or utility knife (Glock knives, Kabar) (+5)

    d. C and I am proficient with it (+10)

    e. Both D and B (+15)

  6. Member Name: CarissimiRBea


    What game?: Minecraft


    Your In-Game Name: CarissimiRBeast


    Player's Steam ID: N/A


    Ban Reason: I accidently perm b&nd; my self. I was joking around with Nighty and he said "ban yourself for hacking (x-ray'ing) :P" (joking around), so I said k lol and then typed /ban carissimirbeast nighty_told_me_to_:( 1, thinking the 1 would mean I'd be banned for 1 minute. Guess not lol xP



    Unban Reason: It was an accident


  7. I -1'd you in the past for being too young and not knowing the rules, but my computer has been down for a bit so I haven't been able to play with you; you might have changed while I was gone. I'll 0 you for now



    Well yeah my graphics card derped and herped and commited suicide. So I'll be off for a few days or weeks until my new card comes in :(


    I'll still be on the forums and a very laggy minecraft on my laptop, but no Ts3 or steam or ♥♥♥♥




  9. Doesn't matter if it's Rambo or not. I'm no gunslinger, and I can't even afford ammo. All i'd probably end up doing is throwing a molotov and getting shot dead, but even that would serve a purpose as a wake-up call for the rest of the protesters. Rebellion isn't like it was in the movies nowadays anyway, it'll be mass protests before it's a gunfight. It was harder to co-ordinate anything in Germany in the 1940's. People were using facebook and twitter to get around the police during that riot in the uk/london or where ever it was.

    Basically, you're still a coward.


    For the record, there are already protests planned for this thing. I'll be posting in the Goodbyes thread when I go to be a part of them, just in case.


    Not a flamewar, cause I still love you. :3 (the coward thing is me trying to prod you into being part of the protests. xD)


    I love you too :)


    And if you ever see someone named Mr. Fluffykins in the news, light a candle for me :D

    But I would only die for fighting against protesters FOR my country

    Because I would never ever ever ever team up against the government

    That would be bad

    I support everything the US does

    Even monitoring my internet :)


  10. So what if he faked it, there are still people being bullied, some don't have it very bad, like me, I get bullied very lightly and don't mind it because I've kicked the bully's ♥♥♥ atleast 5 times, and there are people who can't do that, and people who can't stand up for themselves, but there are also people who pretend like getting lightly bullied is suicidal, but not even getting bullied to the point of depression is suicidal, learn to defend yourself and grow up. Some people can't do that though, and I feel sorry for them, but I used to be the bullied little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in my grade 2 class, until I stood up for myself and kicked some ♥♥♥, I don't start fights but now no one does anymore. There are people who have it far worse than anyone getting bullied, but don't realize it every day, but there's always a way to get over bullying. My solution wasn't the greatest, but it worked like a charm.


    Jonah Mowry lied but made a very clear message, Bullying can cause people to take their own lives, but it's not always the case. People don't realize standing up for yourself does work, and you need to just try it. Bullying isn't a gigantic problem and we need to just get over it, everyone has been insulted or hit before in their lives, just because it happens to you everyday doesn't mean you kill yourself. Bullies are assholes who take their problems out on weaker people, they have problems too, but they aren't always as big as yours. Bullies are just low-life cocknipples and we need to face it, they're not going anywhere for a long time.


    Kids who an hero for being called a "homo" should. Christ, if they can't take being called a pansy or being humilated in middle school, how can they function in the real world? Kids who ACTUALLY get bullied end up Columbine'ing or an hero'ing because they feel it's a form of vindication. Some say that's justified, I don't. But kids like this guy who were called a homo and say they hurt themselves AND POST IT ON YOUTUBE is just plain derpy. He obviously is doing it for attention because he is a snide little ♥♥♥♥♥.

  11. Akio, I'm tired of people like you, criticizing all mods+ in xG. We enforce it the best we can, everytime I'm on an cell spam happens, if I'm a CT, I look over at the buttons if it's spammed, and see the person closest, and then check console to see if that same person was on the [bUTTON SPAM] Thing. Just because you don't hear us on mic, doesn't meen we aren't doing anything. We can do stuff without involving EVERYONE in the server. e.g. Private messaging them, steam messaging them, e.t.c.


    Also, to your "P.S." thing, It's hard because in most cases, armory has to be opened by a button, so that goes into [bUTTON SPAM] and a whole bunch of people use it, also to open doors and such. So don't make accusations without fully understanding the process. kthx.


    EZ, chill please. He wasn't making any insults to mods+, he was just saying how we could watch it more. The comment "isn't this the point of having MODS on duty" isn't really an insult, he's just stating a fact. Akio is a really nice guy and you should cut him some slack before cutting his head off. I think he has a valid point, but I also think it is up to the warden to camp the cell button at the begining of the round, and tell mods+ if someone opens or spams cells that wasn't asked to.

  12. >Move to canada

    Coward. you're the gun freak, right? Haven't you always wanted to lead a rebellion?

    I'm no patriot, but i'd sure as ♥♥♥♥ get shot dead before I let a corrupt government turn into a dictatorship unopposed.

    Life isn't like ♥♥♥♥ing Rambo. They'd break down my door before I even knew the bill was passed by the HoR. And "rebellion" doesn't happen like in Red Dawn where everyone suddenly bands together to fight a clear enemy. Why was there no mass uprising in Nazi Germany?


    EDIT: Oh goddamnit I turned this into a flame war