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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. +1 You were a really good mod when you were active back in the summer. :)


    But can you plz reapply to the clan lol? I don't think you can get mod without bein in the clan as fasd said D:

  2. alright guys, u heard kelly, gangbang at her place, shes cp for me, so ima let u youngins have a chance


    I'm 17 you meanie :(


    Immo is 13 so I get first dibs on Kelly. Silence lives in NY (either Long Island or upstate [i forgot]) so he could take a day trip and get sloppy thirds if he's late :333

  3. 1. It made me feel better because as a man I have a natural desire to conquer.

    2. Yes we were sophomores in highschool

    3. No no no no no no no. The point that I was trying to drive home is that we don't ask other people for help; we solve things ourselves or with our friends.


    Smoker I don't think a 10v1 is really fair. Even if he was a weseal ♥♥♥♥♥ (I REALLY hate those) you could have just fought him 1v1 and won (I don't know your body type, but If you're small like me you could fight a bit dirty). I feel you put others in a situation where if he went to the cops they'd be in as much trouble as you. I think a 10v1 is irresponsible and a tad bit immature (but you were in the 10th grade so I guess that doesn't apply). You could have killed the kid if someone kicked him in the back of the neck too hard. Even if he is a piece of ♥♥♥♥, he's still a person and now he'll probably be scarred for the rest of his life. How do you know he didn't come from some abusive home so he has to take his misplaced anger out on you?

  4. That's his regular voice, he's 5.




    I don't think this should result in any action against RoSSer. It's a minor offense that should only be classified as a warn or a probation sorta thing. Rosser is a proven and trustworthy admin/div and I don't think he should lose any power because of this.

  5. -1 you are such a ♥♥♥♥ing spammer. Spamming doesn't mean you contribute to the community, you just fill it with useless crap for selfish reasons. You were told multiple times to stop spamming to up your post count. If anything you should be forum banned for a week.

  6. well carissimi, ima give u a quick rundown, the chick with the animal ears is a genetically engineered human (furry), the ears are a side effect of it, she has control over invisible penises called "vectors" and she uses these to do whatever she wants, because of the way shes been treated by balls, shes grown a deep hatred for them and will not hesitate to sex as many as she can, however she meets a kid named neteX who she befriends and he touches her stuff, her vectors are controlled either by her or her demotions (ie, she gets pissy, farms start killing ♥♥♥♥), since she saw her dog get killed in front of her, she raged and her vectors killed everything in that room, theres a part where it shows these guards running away from something in a facility when all of the sudden thier nipples cut off and they get torn up, shortly after shes walking by their mutilated boners, the end, its called elfen lied or something like that


    Damn O.o


    But are they trying to make it seem like it's justified?