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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Canada for a couple reasons:

    1: Free healthcare, Charter, and better Social Services <--- as serbian said.

    2: We are liked by a whole bunch of countries because we ship resources out, send doctors, and help out as much as we can. <---- Kinda what serbian said...

    3: Canada doesn't have as high an obesity rate. <---- heehhe

    and 4: Canada has CANADIAN BACON <------ mmmmmm

    Yeah but these reasons make me seem like a demigod compared to the retarded masses here


    And canadian bacon is overrated :P

  2. also one can say that any nation in africa has better gun laws, or even afghanistan, u just go there and buy like an ak with 1000 rounds for like 40 bucks and shoot all u want cause its all open desert, u can also get like rpgs and stuff and be all "hur dur im an engineer, my wrench fixes everything in a vehicle just by tightening a few bolts on the outside"


    Funny thing is, the Africans would believe I was actually fixing it XD

  3. Topic


    IMO: USA. MUCH better gun laws, although New England is retarded liberals and overpopulation (I'm gtfo'ing after college). Gun culture here is a lot more friendly, although gets a lot of bad press. Per capita income where I live is generally high. Law enforcement is fine and healthcare doesn't affect me since my parent's job's give us full healthcare and dental. Plus USA has a warmer climate :D





    P.S. This is a DISCUSSION thread, not a debate thread. Post your OPINION, but don't slander or say bad remarks about other people's opinions. Don't be a child and start a flame war so the thread gets closed.

  4. DuckiiJr. you should really just remove/block all of your steam friends who say this ♥♥♥♥ :( If they say it in game, kick/ban them


    Or is this something on facebook or twitter?