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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. I won't be on for a while im going to iraq, I'm selling my house 3,5 million dollars UJELLY?


    >Selling house for 3.5 million

    >Going to one of the most wartorn, impovrished, and politically unstable countries in the world

    >Asking for games


    Sounds legit

  2. I am iin grade: 12

    Classes: Latin 2, film, expository writing, meterology

    Grades: Straight A's now from dropping all my ap/honors classes and stopped smoking

  3. i don't have morals, and could care less.


    also, if you haven't realized this - its three months old and this kid

    is just seeking attention. He couldn't be any happier at the moment.


    check his twitter if you don't believe me.


    I'm pretty sure Vero and I are mind twins because I thought the same thing. This kid's a whiner and just wants attention. If he killed himself, he wouln't have changed the world anyway. Just another dead "emo" kid who's actually a spoiled white suburbanite ♥♥♥♥♥. I get called "F@g" ALL the time, and you know what? I DEAL WITH IT (.jpg lol). I don't ♥♥♥♥ing complain on youtube about how some kid called me a butthole. Like, grow the ♥♥♥♥ up. Kids in third world countries have to deal with REAL problems.

  4. I think my sleeping habits are really unhealthy, and so are my eating habits and a lot of other things.


    I think I might have diabetes. No, that doesn't mean I'm fat. I just have really bad eating habits but I'm still very skinny (which can be caused by diabetes), and my mom has diabetes, and it's a very hereditary disease.


    I sleep about 3 hours on school nights, and about 17 hours on the weekends. I know that can't be healthy.


    I think I'm going to go to a doctor and get his professional opinion on the subject, since I have free insurance provided by the government (because my mom makes $0/yr).




    Anyone have any suggestions?


    Sleeping pills, nyquil, etc for friday/saturday nights. That'll really help you get back on track. But make sure you set your alarm for the same time you wake up on weekdays, like I do. That way, you get more used to your sleeping schedule instead of changing it every weekend.


    As for the food thing, what's your BMI? If it's changed by 3+ points in the past few years, you might wanna ask a doctor to see if you're diabetic. I like to eat 3 square meals a day with no snacks or sweets (candy, dessert, etc.). Eating apples will help increase your appetite. So will pot. But you might not want to increase your body fat too much if you're still kind of healthy.


    Or it could be some kind of femanine hormone thing, like PCOS (although that would cause excess body fat), in which case I have no clue.

  5. -1 I don't think you've been with the clan long enough and you applied RIGHT when you got 100 posts, no offense. If you reapply in a few weeks I'll totally +1 you. It's just that moderator is an earned responsibility and I don't feel like you've earned enough reputation with us to earn the right to !admin privlages.