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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. So today 2 very funny instances happened to me.


    1. I was volunteering ringing the bells for Salvation Army in front of Stop N' Shop today. My friend was telling me about this wierd looking guy who came twice last friday and did wierd ♥♥♥♥. About 15 minutes after he told me he said "THAT'S HIM" and this green Ford Taurus going 10 miles and hour drives past and the driver slams on the parking break and drives up on the curb. He's a mid-60 year old man and walks out of the car and to the door of the store, constantly blowing rasberies "PLLLLLLLLLL". 10 minutes later he walks back out, apparently buying nothing, and says to us volunteers "Hey you ever see Mrs.Claus with no panties on? She shaves her monkey" and leaves. BUT THEN 20 minutes later he returns, walking into the store with a bag of McDonalds. He then proceeds to eat the contents of the bag in the breezway of the store. Then he walks out singing "Feliz navidad! PLLLLLLLLL! Feliz navidad! N!@@ERS" as loud as he can and drives off. Everyone was cracking up, bar a ♥♥♥♥♥ soccer mom with her child.


    2. There was one slice of pumpkin pie left in the dish, and my mom says "You can just spray whipped cream all over the pie and eat it right out of there." I say "That's what she said." And awkward silence soon follows...


    True stories.

  2. It's a book where ♥♥♥♥ from the school year is put, like pictures and senior quotes. It's for memories when you're older if you didn't OD on alcohol or die in vietnam