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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. I don't mute joshi3 because, frankly, I think he's ♥♥♥♥in hilarious. But a lot of mods don't like his voice :(

    I think Kermit is less funny but I let him talk

    Hell, I won't even mute little kids unless they call warden or mic spam.

  2. Mayeski: Seen the whole video...I wish for the man to die in a horrible and painful way possible :D


    Jack: That's old


    Carbon: First time I saw that I cringed a lot


    I think the one video that really made sick was the guy doing rock diving and hit his head on the way down and showed the aftermath of it at the hospital. Pretty ♥♥♥♥ed up. Also any video that does with child or animal abuse will make me sick.


    Also this video made me sick as well



    Yes I know its an anime show and fake, but still


    Looks like it's her time of the month lol


    and can you explain wtf happened lol. I'm so lost


    P.S. what's up with the japs givin thier animae girlys animal ears?